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He bounced her on his cock while he weighed his options. Feeling her slick little cunt helped a lot, made some things a great deal more clear than before.

He wanted to keep her.

And he didn’t want to go back.

But they couldn’t stay on an island forever, hiding from the world. Something would have to be sacrificed.

She would have to be sacrificed.

Chapter 19

“Time to go, Sophie.”

Alex’s private plane was on the runway, propellers spinning madly, beating at the island air. He’d woken her up from her afternoon nap and taken her out to the landing strip. It was pretty obvious what was happening by context, though she still didn't understand.

“Where are we going? I thought we were just going to hide out on the island for a few months at least. We've only been here a couple of weeks.”

Sophie was confused. But Alex was the sort of man who relished in having those around him lost in confusion. She didn't know where she stood with him. Was she some island fuck toy? Was she his damsel in distress?

“Did I ever tell you that you ask too many questions?”

“No, but you’ve told me everything about you is a lie.”

“Get on the plane, Sophie.”

“You can’t just put me on a plane and fly me around the planet.”

He looked at her and she shut her mouth. Of course he could. He could do whatever he wanted to with her. They had already established that. For the moment, he owned her.

She was caught in his spell, completely separated from what she used to think of as the real world.

So she did as she was told, and boarded the plane.

What he had in mind was fucked up, even for him, and he knew that his personal level of comfort with fucked up things was a reasonably high bar.

They took to the skies without further explanation. He knew she'd have questions, and they'd be answered in time. But right now, he didn't want to waste time. And he didn't want to change his mind. This had to be done.

She was looking at him, watching him with that beautiful little face. That sweet, stunning little face. The one he’d found to be absolutely maddening and enticing in turn. That would have to go away.

"Where are we going, Alex?”

“New York.”

"New York!? I can't go there. They’ll arrest me if they see me. I’m a wanted criminal.”

“You’re one of those things,” he replied, looking out the window rather than at her.

“Why are you bringing me back? Are you going to turn me in?”

“I am not. My island has many things, but what it does not have are surgeons and surgeries with the capacity to do what needs to be done.”

“Are you sick?”

Her concern was very sweet. He looked back at her.

“No,” he said. “But you need to disappear. And that means change. Long lasting change. Change which makes you utterly unrecognizable…” He watched as her expression turned from concern to confusion, back to a different kind of concern.

“You want me to get plastic surgery.”

“I think your sweet little face is adorable. But you can’t look that way and stay free. It is time to reinvent yourself. We will not just get you surgery. You will be given an entirely new life. You will have to study your new backstory. You will have to embody your new identity completely. It will not be easy, but I will help you.”

They landed at a private airport in New York, and transferred to a simple sedan. Sophie was in shock.

This was horrifying. He wanted to take her face… off.

But it was also an opportunity. He was right. She could never show her face again. She could see her face, actually, on the sides of buses. They’d put her on the fucking buses. She was more famous than Elvis at the moment, and for all the wrong reasons.

“You could have told me what you were planning before we got on the plane.”

“I could have, but you would have just worried. I don’t want you to worry. I want you to trust me, and do as I say. That is the only way you survive this with even a part of your soul intact.”

Everything Alex ever said was intense. At one time, she would have accused him of being dramatic. Now she knew better. He was intense because the world he lived in was intense, because there was real drama playing out behind the scenes of every day normality flashing by outside the windows.

As she was staring out at the world, a police cruiser slid by them, entirely unaware she was less than three feet away. The car made her physically recoil and slide down the seat, as if the cops might have x-ray vision to see through tinted windows.

"What if a cop pulls us over? What if…”

Tags: Loki Renard Wall Street Beasts Romance