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The best laid plans of mine and men was a lesson I had yet to properly learn, as the wall of license plates up ahead of me was quick to confirm. There must have been an accident. Not a thing was moving and there was nothing to do but relax.

Leaving the motor running, I put on some music and reclined my seat until I was nearly laying down. The only trick would be not to fall back asleep, so I made staying awake my goal for the moment, tuning up the sound until the bass lines were vibrating through the frame of the car.

There were likely a few negative nellies who didn’t like it much but if they shouted, I didn’t her them. The music was too loud. It was winter, anyway, and not many drivers would be out with their windows rolled down.

Eventually the cars up ahead started moving. As I got closer to the office, I started to wonder how everyone was doing. My mind’s eye focused particularly on sweet Ana. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was there, at her desk, waiting for me like a good girl.

I couldn’t deny that the thought turned me on. I really did believe that everyone should choose their own path in life, but I also knew better than anyone that such a choice could include serving another.

In some ways, it was the ultimate act of independence, to give your own power over to someone else. You could not give away that which you did not fully possess.

I rolled into the executive spot, glad that it was available. The company had rented out the entire top floor of the parking garage, so there were few things I hated more than when I couldn’t find parking. Taking care to lock my beloved car, I went at a swift amble toward my destiny.

“Good morning, sir,” I heard Shanna say as I entered the lobby.

“And to you, Shanna,” I replied, with a cordial nod of my head, “and I’ve told you, please call me Tucker.”

“Yes sir, Tucker.”


“Force of habit,” Shanna said with a shrug.

“You’re forgiven this time. Not least because it was pretty funny.”

“I please to aim.”

“Have you considered going on the stage?” I asked.

“Nah, I work best off the cuff.”

“Oh, so a tailor then,” I said, with a wink.

Shanna laughed dutifully at my terrible joke, and I made a note for her upcoming performance review. She was definitely getting a raise in the next quarter. I needed a bit of honest humanity around the place. Programmers were great when you needed something done but somewhat lacked in the conversation department.

“Ana, working hard or hardly working?”

I thought she was going to jump right of her skin, the poor thing.

She was either engrossed in work or something else online. Considering that I hadn’t actually given her any work yet, I’d be willing to bet my considerable amount of money on the latter.

“I have no work, Sir,” she said to her shoes, though I could still see that her adorable cheeks were bright red.

“I know, I was just teasing.”

“Oh,” she said, with an embarrassed smile.

“Ready to get to work now?” I asked.

“Yes, Sir,” she confirmed, stopping just short of saluting.

It was a shame too, because that would have been fun to see. I liked that we could joke around, in particular with everyone else being so serious.

Ana was a wizard at math too, of course; I saw her resume and wouldn’t have hired her otherwise. Still, it was nice to see that she could still laugh. Which was more than I could say for Linus, the head of R & D who was widely believed to really be an android in disguise. There was actually an office betting pool on it.

After giving Ana some actual work to do, I disappeared into my office to do a spot system to make sure everything was still green in the pasture. But it was hard to get her plump ass and big breasts out of my mind.

I wished I could just take her and do what I wanted to her, and I had a feeling she’d like that, too.

And I had come up with a plan to make it happen.

But I told myself to calm down and focus on what I could do, which was to put in half a day of hard work before heading back home.

Then I’d be able to put my plan in motion, and see if Ana enjoyed coming along for the ride.

Chapter Three - Ana

Time moved like sap in January, things always getting so much harder when there was actual work to do. To be fair, it was what I signed up for, so there was no use in complaining. Sure, it would be nice to be paid to dick around online all day, but one needed to reach the lofty heights of R&D CEO or a Twitch streamer before that could be the case.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance