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“I don’t think that’s how that--.”

“Besides. They’re not the boss of you.”

I bit my bottom lip. “I suppose you’re right on that. Technically, I’m the boss of me.”

And when he threw his head back with laughter, his next words sent a chill down my spine. A chill I wasn’t sure was a good thing. But, wasn’t really a bad thing, either.

“Oh no, baby girl. You’ve got a great deal to learn if you want to stay at my side. And the first thing you learn, right now, is that you’re wrong. You’re not the boss of yourself.”

His eyes filled with hunger before he rolled me back over onto my back. Pinning me down with his body as his lips hovered over my own.

“I am.”



Now, Dani’s arms around my waist only felt second-best to the feeling I had this morning. Because waking up with that girl curled up against me left me speechless. And trust me, speechless wasn’t a trait. I always had something to say, and I never hesitated to say it. But, gazing down into her sleeping face. Watching the way her eyes fluttered as she tried to wake up, only to curl in deeper and fall back into slumber. It was a sight to behold.

Especially when she let me wake her up fully with my tongue.

We spent the entire day together. Lounging around in bed. Watching television while I massaged her body. She was sore, as I figured she would be. But, massaging her gave me another chance to feel her. Drink her in. Trace her curves with my fingertips. And with wandering hands came interesting places to explore.

I loved the sound of her orgasms filling up my room.

But, the day had come to a close. Night sat heavily upon the town, and I had to get her ass back to campus. So, she clutched me close. Pressing herself against me as I sped back to the dinky little college campus where I had first saw her.

Seems like an eternity ago.

“I had a great time, Max.”

She slipped her helmet off with ease this time, and it made me grin.

“Me, too.”

She handed it to me. “See you soon? Maybe?”

I slipped my hand into my pocket. “Use it whenever you need it.”

I handed her a slip of paper with my number on it. I wasn’t sure she got it the first time. When she opened it up, her eyes came to life. I wanted that look to forever be on her face. As if I had given her the greatest treasure life had to offer.

“Thank you. Really.”

I nodded. “Might as well have it. Text me when you get upstairs, so I’ve got yours.”

She slipped it into her back pocket. “I will. I promise.”

I reached for her and pulled her in for one last kiss. One last parting goodbye before I swatted her pert ass playfully. She giggled as she walked away from me, peering over her shoulder and waving. She really did have a giggly little schoolgirl down in that soul of hers.

She really is something.

I watched her as she walked into her dorm. I didn’t move until that door closed behind her. I watched her top-floor window, waiting for the light to come on so I knew she got up there safely. There was always a chance she wouldn’t. And I sure as hell didn’t want to peel off before I saw that light flicker on.

However, I felt my pocket vibrating, pulling me from my trance.

“What?” I asked.

Benji snickered. “Where the hell are you?”

Tags: Rebel Hart Red Thorns Crew Romance