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“We discuss it here.” He patted his lap again. “Or we stay inside today. Your choice.”

Her choice. Was anything about this entire situation her choice?

“This is insane.” Her voice was hoarse; her gaze flicked again to his erection.

Risa felt the flesh between her thighs pulsing, her juices gathering on the bare lips beneath the new panties she had slipped into and worn.

His brow arched again.

“What—” She swallowed tightly. “What are you going to do?”

A smile tugged at his lips. “What would you let me do?”

A shudder raced down her back.

Micah saw the widening of Risa’s eyes, the hunger that darkened the light blue irises, and had to stifle a groan as his cock throbbed with the need to be buried inside her again.

He could make it better for her this time. He swore he would. Not today; it was too soon. She wasn’t used to his touch yet, wasn’t used to his hand upon her body, or the needs that burned between them.

A woman’s body was the finest work of art. It was created for pleasure. From the top of her head to the soles of her feet, a woman was a man’s greatest temptation. He would fight wars to protect her; he would give his life to see to her security. She was man’s greatest strength, and his greatest weakness. She was created as his other half, and Micah had never understood that completely, until Risa.

“What I would let you do isn’t the point.” His body tensed further at the throb of hunger in her voice. “We both know this doesn’t work for me.”

“Nothing has to work, love,” he promised her, his body tightened as she seemed to try to take that last step to him. “This isn’t about having sex. It’s about touch, nothing more. It’s about learning your lover’s body, your lover’s touch. Wouldn’t you like to learn my touch, Risa?”

Her eyes dilated; the most incredible flush washed over the creamy flesh of her face and neck. A hint of color, a mere suggestion of the fire that blazed in her body.

And he knew that fire. He knew the heat of her tight pussy, the stiff points of her hard little nipples, the taste of her. She was an aphrodisiac to his senses, and his hunger for her refused to abate.

“Come, Risa,” he whispered as he gauged the weakening need that filled her eyes.

He held his hand out to her. “Come to me; feel your lover’s touch.”

Her hand trembled as she laid it in his. That slight tremor touched his heart in ways it shouldn’t. She was innocent of a lover’s touch, except his own. Still, she had no idea of the power of her own sexuality, or its effect on him. Would she be surprised, he wondered, to know she could make him feel weak with his need for her?

“Ah, love.” He drew her to him, catching her hips and pulling her legs into place on each side of his legs until she was kneeling in front of him, watching him in confusion. “There.” His hand stroked up her back. “I like looking at your pretty face when I’m touching you. I can watch your eyes darken, see the heat that builds beneath your flesh. I make you hot, Risa; admit it.” His teasing grin was met with another flash of confusion in her expression.

“You frighten me,” she whispered as he brushed her hair back from the gentle lines of her face. “I can’t control what you do to me, Micah.”

Ah yes, control. There was no control when lusts raged out of control, and the addition of the drug that still affected her small body would make the pleasure terrifying for her. She hadn’t been able to control her body’s response to touch when she was first injected with the Whore’s Dust. It had made her beg for touch, despite the degradation she felt at the act. Control now would be uppermost in her mind.

Controlling her response, her pleasure. She needed to learn her own body, learn the depth of the pleasure, before she learned that control wasn’t needed when it was a touch she desired with not just her body but her heart and her mind as well.

“Kiss me.” He whispered the demand. “Take what you want, Risa.”

He watched her eyes, watched the throb of her pulse at her neck. The thought of touching him sent a response tearing through her. He could see it, felt it in the tensing of her slender thighs alongside his.

She was dying for this touch. He was so hungry for it, he wondered if he would survive the wait.

RISA LICKED HER lips nervously as she stared back at Micah.

“What do I want?” The words fell from her lips before her head had a chance to censor them.

Her hands moved over his chest to his neck. She felt the heat of his flesh, the throb of his pulse, the thunder of his heart.

“You want to kiss me.” His lips formed the words, drawing her gaze to their tempting lines.

“What more do I want?” she asked, knowing she wanted so much more. “Will you touch me as I kiss you, Micah?”

Tags: Lora Leigh Elite Ops Romance