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The need to become lost in him was strong, though. It was becoming stronger each time he took her and taking more and more willpower to hold a part of herself back.

Her arms tightened around him as her head fell to his shoulder, the feel of him laying a burning trail of kisses down her neck. She could feel her climax building, rushing through her.

His hands gripped her hips, his cock shafting furiously inside her now.

Brilliant, white-hot sensation suddenly exploded through her. The rush of ecstasy stole her mind, drawing a shattering cry from her as his teeth gripped the mark at her shoulder, his tongue rasping as his cock plunged deep.

A desperate, breathless cry was torn from her as she felt the barb extend, locking him in place as his release began spurting inside her. Explosions of ecstasy shuddered through her again, the lightning-bright rush of sensation and emotion terrifying in its strength.

She’d been desperate to hold a part of herself back, but in that moment she wondered if Cullen hadn’t already slipped inside her soul.


From Graeme’s Journal

Recessed Primal Genetics and Mating Heat

Research into recessed Breed genetics, especially those of the recessed Primal instincts, has been woefully lacking and nearsighted.

The Primal senses what even the Breed himself cannot pick up. And in regard to his mate, there are few secrets she can keep from the feral creature determined to claim her—

Hours later, his body curled around Chelsea’s, Cullen stared into the darkened room, a frown furrowing his brow. Despite the excessive sexual play, Chelsea was still awake. She was exhausted, yet for some reason she still hadn’t slipped into sleep.

“You’re not sleeping,” he finally pointed out softly. “I can feel you thinking.”

And he knew Chelsea. Thinking was sometimes her worst enemy.

“I didn’t come to the Agency wanting Ranger’s job,” she said quietly then. “I just wanted to be close to you.”

He flipped her over quickly, one hand covering her lips as he stared down at her fiercely.

“I know that, Chelsea,” he told her firmly, seeing the uncertainty and regret in her eyes. “Ranger has his own issues with the past, and he tends to hold on to things way too long. But that’s not your fault. He knows that.”

Lifting his hand, he let his fingertips brush down her cheek, loving the silken feel of her skin and the warmth that went far deeper than just flesh.

“I don’t want his job,” she said without anger then. “But no matter what the mating demands in our relationship, I won’t be happy filing your papers for you and waiting for you in the office. I’d be miserable.”

He knew that now. He’d already accepted that the time for that was over, and that he’d have to make peace with his fears and overprotective tendencies.

“Chelsea, we’ll straighten all this out between us so we’re both happy once the threat against you is over,” he promised her. “If I stay with the Agency I promise you won’t be in the office filing papers unless I’m filing them with you.”

A hint of amusement sparkled in her eyes then as he felt her hand at his hip, caressing, warm. “You’re not allowed to do filing. Remember?”

Now probably wasn’t the time to tell her he’d already made a mess of any organization she’d ever had going in that office. He could tell her that later.

She settled against him, though, and drifted into sleep, leaving him awake and staring into the darkness of the room.

The friendship he’d believed was set in steel was

over forever now.

Ranger was going to have to be dealt with, and soon. Rising from the bed and leaving the warmth of his mate’s relaxed body, Cullen stared down at her for a moment, the sight of her in his bed filling him with a satisfaction he couldn’t explain.

His head lifted, the faint sound of his phone pinging from where he’d left his jeans tossed to the kitchen floor, drawing him from the room. Finding the article of clothing, he pulled the phone free and stared down at the text displayed.

Is she okay?

If he didn’t answer it, no doubt Graeme would arrive on his doorstep and make the situation worse.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal