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Sensations spasmed through her womb at the explicit demand. Erotic and filled with male pleasure, it reached inside her, increasing the sensuality of the act.

His hands gripped her hips, guiding her as his cock began pushing inside the rippling entrance of her sex. The fiery stretch of her flesh as she impaled herself on the heavy stalk dragged a desperate cry from her lips.

Cullen’s hand stroked from her hips to her breasts, his fingers finding her painfully sensitive nipples. He exerted just enough pressure against them to send sensation screaming over her nerve endings.

Her hips jerked, lowered, desperate to fill herself with the hard length of his cock. Her hands flattened against his chest, whimpering cries escaping from her throat.

She knew what she wanted, needed.

Throwing her head back, Chelsea lifted again, taking him deeper with each downward push of her hips. Burning pleasure surged through her, stole her breath.

Streaking fire raced from her nipples as his fingers pressed and tugged at them firmly. Those same flames tore a path to the tight depths of her pussy, the inner tissue spasming around his erection as she finally worked it in to the hilt.

Cullen bucked beneath her, driving his hips upward as his hands moved quickly to her thighs to hold her to him. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her, stretching her, possessing her.

Need swiftly overcame any desire to relish the sensations. Chelsea was burning from the inside out, the need for orgasm quickly stealing her control.

And his.

Cullen thrust upward as she lifted herself, fucking her in hard, driving thrusts. Each impalement, each stroke inside the too-sensitive channel stoked the insanity of a hunger burning through both their control.

Moving with him, riding the brutally hard shaft, she let herself fall into the storm overtaking them.

Her hands moved to his hard biceps, her nails biting into the tense muscles as she felt her body tightening. Her pussy rippled around each driving stroke and the world exploded around her. Her senses ruptured and her body jerked, writhed as each powerful contraction of ecstasy tore through her.

Beneath her, Cullen drove inside her harder, buried to the hilt, growling her name, and a heartbeat later the pulse of his release and hardening length of the feline barb locking inside her pushed her higher, tossing her into a cataclysm that she knew she’d never fully recover from.

Dawn was several hours from breaking when Cullen awoke, his body vibrating with restlessness and a renewed arousal for the woman sleeping at his side. Erect and throbbing, his cock demanded a repeat of the pleasure he’d found with Chelsea.

She was sleeping deeply now, though, lying bonelessly on her stomach, her breathing deep and a sense of peace surrounding her. Hell, she had always had that sense of calm, of peace that filled the air around her. It was one of the reasons he’d tried to keep her in the office. She had a way of keeping the whole team on an even keel, no matter how high the frustration level rose.

Rather than waking her, though, he quietly gathered some clothes and quickly showered. Dressing, he checked in on her again, almost grinning at the fact that she hadn’t so much as shifted her position and headed to the kitchen for coffee.

He’d no more than stepped from his bedroom to the short hall leading to the rest of the house when he paused. There wasn’t a particular scent per se that alerted him to the intruder. It was that absence of scent that identified the Breed waiting for him. He wasn’t surprised when he stepped into the kitchen to find Graeme waiting for him; he’d actually expected his brother the night before.

What did surprise him was the Primal he faced instead. He hadn’t seen the monster his brother could become since Graeme had mated the young woman the two of them had raised in the labs they were confined to as boys.

The primal markings bisected Graeme’s face, like the stripes of the Bengal across bronzed flesh. Blood-tipped claws had emerged from beneath the very human fingernails, pushing past the flesh, curved and lethally sharp as they rested on the table. Wild, jade green eyes gleamed brilliantly from within the stripes, the glow of color like jade fire in the dimly lit room.

This was the Breed that most who saw him never lived to tell the tale about. This was the insanity of a creature pushed to such preternatural rage that even nature itself had no power over him.

“Graeme?” Cullen greeted him warily as he moved to the coffeemaker and placed two cups beneath the brewing spouts. “Everything okay?”

He didn’t fear the monster, but neither was he foolish enough to push its unpredictable temper when he wasn’t pissed off himself.

Graeme’s fingers flexed against the table, wickedly sharp claws digging deep indents in the wood as the battle to control the monster was reflected on his face.

“We go hunting.” The guttural, animalistic voice had the power to send chills up the spines of those facing the rage of this creature.

Cullen had never feared the creature, though. He watched it warily. At one time, he’d feared the destruction it could wreak on others, but he’d never feared it personally.

“What happened?” Only Cat and any risk to her could pull the monster free now that Graeme had secured his mate.

He would have been alerted, though, if anything had happened to Graeme’s mate or if any danger threatened her, which left Cullen a little confused as to the reason for the Primal’s visit.

Graeme’s nails scraped the table again, a low, dangerous growl rumbling in his chest as Cullen waited for an explanation.

Or explosion.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal