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Either was possible.

“We go for Cerves,” the monster’s voice grated. “Now!”

Surprise caused Cullen to stare at his brother more intently now as bemusement filled him.

“This appearance”—he waved his hand toward his brother to indicate the Primal Graeme had set free—“is because of the Cerves attack?”

That dangerous, rough growl sounded again as an enraged grimace curled at Graeme’s lips.

“Attack?” Graeme snarled. “An ambush. Four came to take her. They would have cut you down had the other Breeds not been in the traffic behind you.” That growl sounded again, deeper, filled with greater fury. “I tolerate no attacks against those I claim. Mate. Brother.” His gaze moved to the entrance of the hall toward Cullen’s room where he’d left Chelsea sleeping. “Sister. Cerves will pay for this, as will whoever sent that Coyote to knife her.”

Meaning Graeme intended to cut a swath of blood and death through the Cerves compound. That was just what he needed, Cullen thought caustically. To have the monster everyone believed had left the States be seen tearing drug cartel members limb from limb.

That was the last thing the Breeds needed right now at a time when both the criminal and noncriminal elements were still fascinated with their presence.

And all because someone had dared to threaten part of his family.

“I’m a big boy, Graeme—” Cullen began to protest.

Before he could finish the thought, Graeme was out of his chair and in Cullen’s face, an enraged snarl curling his lips.

“My brother. My sister by mating.” Clawed fingers gripped the front of Cullen’s shirt imperiously as rage hummed in the air around the creature. “We go now.”

Cullen looked down at the hold his brother had on him, then back to the monster’s furious gaze.

“Where’s Cat, Graeme?” he asked patiently. “Does she know the monster’s come out to play this morning?”

Handling Graeme while in this less-than-sane, primal state was never easy. And Cullen wasn’t certain how he felt about the monster’s belief that he could protect him. He was an adult now, not a kid, and Cerves was his fight.

“I will kill Cerves.” The monster smiled, obviously relishing the thought of the cartel leader’s blood.

“Because of me?” Cullen questioned the threat dubiously.

“You. Your mate. Their blood is mine,” the monster grated out in a serrated voice.

Cullen rubbed at his forehead, fighting for patience as Graeme released his shirt slowly, though his brother still glared at him with demonic green eyes.

“Tell you what. Hide the monster in case Chelsea awakens and leaves the bedroom and we’ll discuss it,” he offered.

Hell, it was too early for a drink and this side of his brother almost demanded one.

A rumbled growl of warning had Cullen grimacing in irritation. He didn’t need this, not right now.

“Dammit, Graeme, I don’t need you fighting my battles and I sure as hell don’t need your protection,” he snapped as he felt the Primal’s demand that he submit to its wishes. “Pull the fuck back. I’ll deal with Cerves, and if you want to be a part of it, then you’ll find your sanity and discuss it rationally.”

The Primal’s roar exploded from Graeme’s chest, exploding with enraged violence and probably waking the whole damned neighborhood.

There was no doubt it woke Chelsea.

Before he could push past Graeme and reach the hall entrance, the bedroom door flew open and Chelsea raced from the room wearing nothing but Cullen’s shirt, half-buttoned, the tail of which fell below her thighs. In her hands she carried the black, highly lethal, not to mention illegal, fully automatic snub-nosed PDW she carried in her pack.

“Whoa there.” He caught her before she could lift the weapon on the Primal Breed poised to eliminate any threat it encountered.

Snagging the weapon from her hands with one hand, he caught her around the waist with the other, practically lifting her from the floor before she could attack Graeme.

Once she caught sight of the Primal she stilled in his hold, eyes widening before she blinked in amazement. Cullen wanted to curse in frustration.

“What is it?” she whispered, her gaze locked with Graeme’s. “And why aren’t we shooting it?”

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal