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“Let me touch you, Cullen,” she whispered, lowering her lips to his hard jaw, kissing her way to his neck.

She let her tongue taste the strong column of his neck, let her teeth rake over it as he had done to hers.

He tensed beneath her, his muscular body hardening in response to her nibbling caresses and slow, licking tastes.

As she slid down his body, the feel of the perspiration gathering on his skin, his heavy breathing, sent a thrill rushing through her. She gloried in his response to her touch, in the feel of his cock throbbing against her thigh as she moved closer to him.

“However you want to, sweetheart. Anytime you want to,” he breathed out, the sound a rough rasp as he buried his fingers in her hair. “I’m all yours.”

God, she wished that were true.

Moving her lips to his hard chest, she found the flat hard disc of a male nipple. The salt and male taste of him exploded against her taste buds. His flesh was just as hot and wild as his kiss.

Steel-hard muscles flexed and rippled beneath her lips, lean and powerful. Sweat gleamed on his bronze flesh, giving him a sex-god appearance that threatened to steal her breath.

She lifted her gaze and met his narrowed one, pleasure and hunger gleaming in the green depths. As she watched him, she licked from one hard male nipple to the other before grazing them with her teeth.

Touching him was the hottest, sexiest experience of her life. Her pussy was weeping from the erotic experience. Her juices spilled to the swollen folds, heating her clit until it throbbed with torturous need.

Lifting herself close, she straddled his hard thigh, crying out as her clit swelled further and her juices dampened his flesh.

“Fuck, Chelsea, you’re killing me, baby,” he growled, the rough sound another stroke against her senses.

She was loving him, giving him with her touch what she knew he would refuse to hear. This was all she had, the only way she could show him the depth of what she felt for him.

As she took her kisses lower, the need to taste him, to love him, to fill her mouth with the hard male heat of him, intensified inside her.

“I love how you taste,” she whispered, powerless against the needs rocking through her. “Like the desert. So strong and hot.”

She licked over his abdomen, ignoring the thick, pulsing head of his cock as his fingers tugged at her hair.

The little bite of heat against her scalp was exquisite. Tugging and pulling, the heated caress sent flames streaking through her senses as his hips arched, the head of his cock grazing her lips.

She let herself lick over it, drawing a rough, rumbling groan from his chest. She moved lower and stroked her tongue slowly down the shaft to the base, then to the tightly drawn sac just below the stiff flesh.

Cullen jerked beneath her, a grating curse leaving his lips as she licked firmly. Her tongue stroked, caressed. The hot male taste of him was intoxicating. His obvious pleasure at her touch only drove her own need higher.

Her womb spasmed as he growled her name, his voice rougher, huskier than before. Moving higher, Chelsea trailed her tongue up the violently erect shaft, feeling the blood pounding through the heavy veins. His fingers were locked in her hair, his thighs tense and steel hard.

Just above the engorged crest of his cock, a bead of sweat trailed down his tight abdomen as it flexed in response to her touch.

Parting her lips over his cock head, she took it in her mouth slowly. Her gaze lifted again, watched the pleasure and male hunger gleaming in his eyes.

His gaze was locked on her mouth and the engorged crest as it disappeared inside. Sweat beaded on his neck, his hard jaw. His lips drew back in a grimace of pleasure, exposing the canines that appeared a bit longer. His eyes were darker, the jungle green color burning and wild.

“Suck it,” he snarled, the hard, graveled demand stroking over her senses. “Damn you. I’ve dreamed of your lips wrapped around my dick.”

The taste of his pre-cum spilling to her lips made her feel drunk on the pleasure racing through her. Her lips tightened around the crest, sucking at it firmly as he filled her mouth.

The feel of the silky, steel-hard head of his cock throbbing furiously as she sucked at it drew a moan from her lips. Flickering her tongue over it, beneath it, she could feel her clit approaching meltdown.

Her pussy was soaked from her need for him, her juices spilling to the sensitive folds and dampening her thighs.

“I won’t come in your mouth,” he gritted out as the crest flexed warningly at the back of her throat. “You want to make me crazy?” His hands moved from her hair, gripped her head and pulled her up forcibly. “Ride me. Come here, baby, and fuck me until we’re both crazy.”

She eased up his body, straddled his thighs and whimpered with anticipation as the folds of her pussy parted for the wide, blunt head.

“That’s it, Chelsea,” he groaned, a grimace of pleasure contorting his face. “Ride my cock with that hot little pussy.”

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal