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Does the media even like me?

Danger’s having the same reaction on the other side of the room. “Engaged to her?” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder, pointing it directly at me. “No one will believe that one.” He appears horrified.

This angers me and instead of acting out, I plaster on my best sweet smile. “Why wouldn’t anyone believe it?”

Danger stands, controlling the room as he moves across the hardwood. “Because you and I don’t fit, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call me that.” There has to be another idea. “Dad, can’t you just make him be good.”

Danger laughs along with my father like together they’re in some boy’s club where no women are allowed. They should be smoking cigars and drinking bourbon, instead of trying to ruin my life.

“Don’t you think we’ve tried?”

“Well, cut him from the team,” I snap out.

Danger’s dark eyes widen. “No, I can pretend to be engaged for a little while.”

“You can’t seriously be on board with this idea.” I turn to face him. This is a very bad idea, it has disaster written all over it.

“Sure, maybe it’ll be fun.”

My father laughs. “Yes, but not too much fun. Monterey, just think about it. The two of you will make headlines. The couple that was never expected. Think about how many women will be jealous of you.”

I roll my eyes. “I have some conditions.” When my father gets the glint of gold he has right now in his eyes I know there’s no arguing. And I won’t go down without a fight.

“Sure, anything,” my father answers. “Bill, take notes of her conditions and we’ll have Danger sign them.”

“I won’t have him cheat on me. I don’t need to be made a fool of in the public eye.” Again. “Even if you think you’re not going to get caught by the media, that doesn’t mean you won’t.”

Danger nods. “No women.” He shakes his head, running his fingers through the sexy mop of black hair disheveled all over his head. I’m sure asking Danger not to sleep with women is like asking the pope not to pray.

“No women. And no kissing. And no touching. We can hold hands once, maybe. And absolutely no nicknames. And I don’t want any contact with you at all really.”

Danger laughs. “Oh sweetheart, we’re gonna have to put on a show. No one will believe this facade if I’m not all over you in public.”

I step closer to him, poking his rock hard chest with my finger. “If you lay one finger on me,” I step even closer, “I’ll break it.”

He smiles, his eyes challenging mine, this man is infuriating. “I will touch you and kiss you and pretend like we are a happy couple in love. Because we need to make sure the media believes it. Buckle up, baby, this will be the race of your life.”

I hate that my body betrays me at this very moment and I might actually be looking forward to this.

Chapter 3


I want to laugh at the seriousness in Monterey’s emerald-green eyes right now. They sparkle with fire and ice simultaneously. And with her fair skin and dark brown hair, she has to know how beautiful she is. The right combination of sophistication and sex. She’s so fucking pretty. I bet she bathes in the compliments I’m sure she receives from all the men in this industry. It’s her wardrobe. Like the dress she’s wearing right now. Casual, yet classy. A dress that clings to her body and has a slit clear up the side of one leg. She wears them all the time, all in different patterns, and it’s hard to turn away from her when she’s around. She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing up her tits just a little, and I take the opportunity to check them out.

When she mentioned earlier about cutting me from the team I realized how serious this shit is. I need to pull my act together and fast.

Sure, I like having fun. I mean, who doesn’t, but I need to get my head on straight and win the next ten races. Or else.

Because here’s the thing.

This is my one chance to fix my fucked up life. Losing is not an option for me.

I stare at Monterey, waiting on her next move.

“Bill, write up a contract.” She stares back at me. “And if you break one thing on this contract I will kill you, slowly and painfully.” She turns, leaving the room and taking all the air with her as she leaves me in this stifling room with her father and his lawyer.

“She’s gonna be a lot of fun,” I say with a laugh.

But Luther and Bill don’t laugh with me. “Get to bed. You stay here now, and you’ll be under her watchful eye for the rest of the tour.”

“Yes, sir.” I leave the room, wandering upstairs to the guest room I’ve stayed in before.

Tags: Logan Chance Romance