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“You deserve it girl.”

“Not with a man like Danger,” I emphasize his name. “It really would be too dangerous.” For my heart.

Lilah swats away the idea like it’s a gnat flying too close to her face. “Nonsense. I think you should do it. What’s the worst that could happen?”

I don’t want to produce the laundry list of things that could go wrong, with falling in love at the very tippy top of it. Because that really is the worst case scenario.

And with a man who calls himself Danger and lives up to that name in every way possible, I know that is my biggest fear. I’d fall and never even know what hit me.

“I can’t. This is just my father’s way of testing me. I don’t want anything to jeopardize it.”

Lilah studies me, her blue eyes pondering the truth behind my words. “I still think you can have your cake and eat it too.”

I laugh. “When has that ever worked out for anybody?”

She stares at her newly polished nails. “You never know until you try it. I saw that kiss between you two at the track today, and you can’t fight that kind of chemistry.”

“Kiss? How did you see it?”

“Are you kidding? It’s trending.” She grabs her phone, pulling up the picture of Danger kissing me. “Look.”

I take the phone from her hands. “Oh damn,” I say, noticing there is a ton of heat between us.

The way Danger holds onto me so tightly, like he never wants to let go.

The way his eyes bore into mine. The way his hand turns to fists over the fabric of my dress as he deepens the kiss.

I don’t know who took this video, but they have great skill at capturing the moment shared between us.

“Oh damn is right. You’d be an idiot to not want to do that again.”

The truth is, I do want to do that again. And again. Over and over. But I can never let anyone know that truth but me.

This isn’t as simple as right and wrong or black and white. No, this has so much gray area that I no longer want to be faced with the temptation again. Because I know if given the chance I would give into Danger. Oh man, I’d give into Danger so bad. And that could be disastrous.

“You ready to head back?” Lilah asks as our gel nail polish finishes drying under the UV lamp.

I nod, grabbing my bag after the lamp shuts off. “I forgot to ask. How’re things with Mandarin?”

“It’s a fiery inferno I never want to wake up from.”

“That good, huh?”

A big smile cracks her face. “Better.”

“See, that’s what I want, Li. I want a man who’s crazy about me just like Mandarin is about you.”

“Did you not see the video of Danger? That boy wants you.”

I roll my eyes. “Please, he wants anything that’s ready and willing.”

Lilah stops. “I don’t know, Mont. He stares at you like he’s a vampire and you’re packing the blood type he loves most.”

I laugh. “You read way too many paranormal romance novels.”

“Seriously, he looks like he wants to devour you sometimes.” We hit the elevators and the doors open.

We step inside, and I push the button for our floor. “I need to get ready.” I notice the time and now I feel rushed to get to the dinner in the ballroom.

“Relax. You have plenty of time. There’s only one man you need to impress, and after that kiss, I think he’s impressed.” Lilah laughs, but I don’t laugh along with her.

“I highly doubt that. He’s probably off flirting with some girl right now.” And then my fear doubles inside me, wondering if Danger is making me look like a fool. It’s bad enough the media caught wind of my break up with Thad and the reason behind it. I don’t need that madness again.

Chapter 15


I swear if I have to sit here and listen to Crank and Mike tell me one more time that I need to hug the corners, I’ll lose it.

After the track today, we had a team meeting. And I watched a bunch of videos of the last few races, mainly studying up on Thad and his driving.

And I’m not ashamed to admit that every time I watched him smile to the camera, all I could see was Monterey and him as a couple.

I’m new to the sport and wasn’t around the shit show when they broke up, but I’ve heard plenty of rumors. And one thing I know for sure is, Monterey was wrecked by it all. I don’t know if she was wrecked because she loved Thad, and a part of me believes she did. Another part of me knows she was devastated because it was splashed in every entertainment magazine on every shelf in America.

Sure, many people took pity on her, but I know she couldn’t have liked all that attention. The majority made her out to be the bad guy in the whole thing. Even though she wasn’t. Not by a long shot. I don’t think there’s anything she could ever do wrong.

Tags: Logan Chance Romance