Page 20 of Hot Stuff

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Jake looks up from the table as I pull out my chair and sink into it, willing myself not to look around the restaurant in search of Lauren.

I want to—of course, I want to—but I will never hear the end of Jake Brent and his shit.

I settle into my seat and take a drink of my ice water before picking up the menu and scanning it mindlessly. Jake and I have come here at least once a month for the last decade. I know what I want—I always know what I want—and Jake reads through my nervous distraction techniques with no trouble at all.

“What happened?” he asks. “And why do you look so guilty?”

I glance up from my menu with a flick of my eyes and back down again, clearing my throat before speaking.

“Nothing happened. And guilty? For what? Washing my hands?”

Jake’s laughter rattles obnoxiously through our water glasses and straight into the center of my chest. I don’t want to be this transparent, but goddamn, I’m not doing a good job of covering at all. It also doesn’t help that he’s been my best friend for years. He knows me too fucking well.

“I don’t know what you’re guilty for, but you look like you just left me at the table to have sex in a public restroom.” He raises one knowing brow. “And, frankly, if that is the case, I don’t know if I can condone that kind of disrespect to our friendship.”

I roll my eyes. “Shut up, Jake.”

“Just explain one thing to me… Why did I see a blond woman come out of the men’s bathroom right before you?”

I flick my eyes up and over the menu again, this time meeting his and holding. “We didn’t have sex,” I say seriously. He studies me closely. I wait.

“But you wanted to.”

“Jake. Let it go,” I respond in warning. He really has no idea how much I don’t want to go there. How long I’ve been going there. How deep I am into this vortex of fuck no, stop thinking about her! She’s the Cap’s daughter, you lunatic!

Truth is, I’ve been sort of, kind of thinking far too much about Lauren Carroll since she first introduced herself to me as Dr. Lauren. And spending time with her on Thanksgiving only served as a huge catalyst to keep thinking about her. It’s preposterous, to be honest, and I thought I’d be over it by now because, yeah, it’s also not a good idea.

No matter how fucking gorgeous or sexy or intriguing I think she is or how much I’d like to spend more time with her, the reality is that her father is my boss. And my boss is a hard-ass who would literally shove his boot up my backside.

Not to mention, Has she been thinking about me the way I’ve been thinking about her?

Obviously, I’m hoping that’s the case, but I haven’t a fucking clue.

“What, Garrett?” Jake questions. “The divorce was final almost a year ago. I just thought, maybe, you’d be interested in moving on with your life at some point.”

I hate that without me telling him anything about Lauren or what’s gone down between us over the past few months, he already has his finger on the fucking pulse.

“God.” I shake my head and sigh. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

He’s also right, but fuck, I don’t want to give the now-smug bastard the satisfaction.

“Maybe,” he replies, voice dripping with confidence. “Or maybe, I’m just a kick in the ass and exactly the push you need.”

“Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Being Smart Jake. Smart Jake is cocky and annoying, and I don’t like dealing with him. I like Funny Jake. Sad Jake, even. Pissed Jake. They’re all great guys, and I’m more than willing to talk to any of them right now, but Smart Jake can take a fucking hike.”

“Oh my God.” He laughs. “I really hit a nerve. Wholly unexpected, but I see it right there, throbbing and completely exposed.”

I sigh heavily, and he laughs some more.

“Who is she? I just thought she was a stranger, but she’s not, is she? She’s someone you know…” He pauses, and his eyebrows rise toward his damn forehead like he just solved the world’s hardest calculus problem. “Wait a minute…she’s someone you’ve thought about, isn’t she? She’s someone you like…”

“Shut up,” I retort, my far-too-defensive response telling my best friend everything he needs to know.

“Holy shit.” His grin is annoying as hell. “This is fantastic.”


“Well, what’s the deal, then?” He cuts me off. “Why in the hell are you sitting here with me? You should be over there. Talking to her. Asking her out. Something. Please, for the love of God, you have to put yourself out of your obvious internal misery before we eat because all the angst really isn’t good for my appetite.”

Tags: Max Monroe Romance