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“We could put a bell around your neck,” I suggest.

“Wouldn’t make a difference,” Ig mutters.

“I’m going to my room. Can you guys get that out of your system before the game starts? I don’t want to have to build a wall of pillows like last time.”

The second Alex walks out of the room, his dad picks me up and carries me down the hall.

I barely have time for a shower before Anna shows up.


“So, you won’t get too full!” Whitney yells over the music blaring from the jukebox.

“But it’s still a margarita?” I look down at the drink, a pale green liquid in floating ice cubes.

“It’s on the rocks,” Anna explains, her hand clutching a bottle of water as she gives my drink a longing look.

Her stomach is big enough to enter the room long before she does, but she seems like one of the happiest women in the world.

I shrug, putting the straw to my mouth and sucking. Ignacio was right that I never go out. Hell, I’ve only ever seen blended margaritas before, but it tastes like I remember. I had one at a party once in high school, and I honestly haven’t done much drinking since those days. I always needed to be sober in case something happened to Alex and he needed to be carried to the hospital. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if he needed me, and I wasn’t in the right state of mind to tend to him.

“You should try the daiquiris next!” Pam, the office manager for Blackbridge Security adds. She’s a lot of fun. They all are. I expected just Anna to show up at the condo, but she had Wren’s girlfriend Whitney, Flynn’s fiancée Remington, and Pam with her.

They didn’t say a word about my jeans and comfortable top when they invaded our home. Anna grabbed my hand, told Ig that I would be well looked after, and then they dragged me out.

We landed at an Irish pub called Paddy’s, and although the jukebox is a little too loud, the atmosphere is amazing. For some reason, although men are watching, not a single guy has bothered to approach. I feel safe surrounded by these women, safe knowing that Ignacio and Alex are at home watching the game.

“I used to work here,” Remington says as she bends closer. Her cheeks are already pink with the heat of the alcohol. “Flynn got me fired.”

I tilt my head, running through the information that’s been piled on me tonight.

“Your fiancé got you fired?”

She nods, an overexaggerated up and down of her head.

“Long story,” she says with a wave of her hand like it doesn’t even matter now.

“Next round,” Anna says as she approaches with a tray of drinks making me realize I didn’t even see her get up and leave the table.

“Just this one for me,” I tell her, drawing my margarita closer to my chest.

She winks at me, but she still sets a daiquiri on the table in front of me, pushing it with the tip of one finger. “Just in case.”

She smiles at me, one hand rubbing her swollen belly.

“You have to drink,” Whitney urges. “This round is for Anna since she can’t have alcohol yet.”

They all look at me as the straw in my mouth makes the sound indicating I’ve already drained my first drink. Eyebrows raise, and a cheer echoes around me when I set my empty down and pick up the new one. “For Anna!”

Chapter 39


I smile into my pillow when Tinley comes into the room. I don’t even have to look up to know her movements are fueled by alcohol. She drops her shoes on the floor, her clothes coming off in a soft whisper of fabric, and my cock is already at half-mast by the time she climbs into bed.

The warmth of her naked body covers my equally naked back.

“You’re naked,” she says with a giggle as her lips press to a spot between my shoulder blades.

“Mmm. Do that again.”

She obliges, her tongue sneaking out to taste my skin.

I live for these moments, the times where she comes to me in the darkness. Most nights end with us tangled together, me inside of her, but each time is like the first time, anticipation filling my blood and making me want to rush to the part where I slide inside of her.

Tonight, is no different, but I hold off, begging my cock to stop aching long enough for me to see exactly what she has in mind.

Soft tits press to my back and she tries to wiggle a hand under my waist.

“What are you doing?”

She giggles, the scent of alcohol on her breath as she leans over my shoulder.

“I want to touch my cock.”

“Your cock?” I tease, lifting my hips enough so her hand can wrap around me.

Tags: Marie James Blackbridge Security Erotic