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It’s stressful enough meeting him for the first time without having to play silly games on top of it. And knowing that he’s somewhere in the dark watching me is starting to seriously creep me out.

If this is a horror movie, I’m totally screwed. I’m not a virgin. I’m so going to die.

“AJ, I’m going to leave.”

I haven’t moved more than a step inside the door. I don’t want to abandon what light I have.

Something moves at my right. I turn my head to see it. A surge of adrenaline roars through my veins. My muscles tense. My fight or flight instincts are kicking in.

I’m grabbed and spun. I shriek. The door slams shut, my purse falls from my hand. Just as my eyes were starting to adjust there is now only pure and total darkness. I’m blind.

Lips touch mine. Warm, soft, full lips kiss me. They taste of mint and taste of man.

The kiss is electric. I’ve never felt anything like this. This must be what it’s like to have your world rocked. To feel the earth move beneath your feet.

I never thought I’d taste him before getting my first glimpse of him. I reach out and grab hold of crisp linen, I deduce it must be his shirt. Beneath the fabric, I can feel a hard warm chest.

The lips are insistent. Pushing, pressing, seeking, they’re urging me to open. They want me to part my lips and let him in.

By the kiss, he guides me backwards until I’m up flat against a cold wall. I feel an arm touch the wall on either side of me. Now I’m trapped.

He’s taller than me. He’s bending down to reach me. I feel so small. He seems so huge, a towering mass looming in the darkness.

He groans with pleasure as I part my lips for him. I feel immense satisfaction that I’m affecting him. But he’s affecting me as well, I’m growing damp.

I wish I could see him. I wish I could see the beautiful man who seems determined to have his way with me. It must be AJ. It feels like him. My body is responding to him like he’s a magnet. Humming, vibrating, I’m pushing myself against him. He’s so warm, the wall is so cold. I shiver at the difference.

My blood seems to be rushing downwards. The more I touch him and the more I kiss him, the more aware I am of myself. A throb is pulsing between my thighs, a wanting ache is awakening in my belly. I can’t get enough air in my lungs. I feel so lightheaded.

He smells so good. It’s a crisp, clean scent that reminds me of the ocean. My hands tighten in his shirt. Over our smacking lips, I hear a button pop off. Then another. Oops. I’m ripping his shirt open. I want to touch his skin. I want to explore his grooves and ridges.

My fingers travel downwards, the tips brush against the smooth leather belt in his pants. He leans into me, pushing his body against mine. His hips push into me. I spread my feet, practically inviting him.

Then I feel him. Hard, long, and thick. His hardness grinds into me, grinding my soaked panties against my sex, against my throbbing clit.

I moan into his mouth and feel him shudder. Suddenly his kiss becomes frantic, becomes hungrier. It’s as if he’s trying to consume me.

His arms move then his hands are slipping behind my back. He grabs me by the ass then lifts me off my feet. We’re moving. I find myself clinging to him, clutching and grabbing the shirt I ripped open.

I still cannot see a thing with my eyes open. The air is rushing past. I’m afraid we’re going to crash into something, he’s moving so fast. How can he see? He must just know where everything is.

I start to drop. I’m falling and he’s coming down with me. I cry out, this is going to hurt. I land on something soft, I bounce against it. It must be a bed.

My heart can’t take much more of this. The way it’s racing, the way the blood is surging through my veins. The way my sex is throbbing, my core is aching. I might very well die of a heart attack.

“AJ!” I exclaim.

His weight nearly crushes me. He readjusts. His warm breath pants against my neck. His hard chest is pushing me into the bed. His hard cock nestles between my thighs. I squirm. I want it.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs and kisses my neck.

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Tags: Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty Pounding Hearts Romance