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“I’m not gonna die alone. I have the boys and you’re gonna be in the nursing home with me, annoying the shit outta me, kinda like you are right now.”

I stood up and she grabbed my arm.


“Hey! I’m not trying to bust your balls. I just… I see all these great qualities in you, okay? I know you’d make someone really happy one day if you’d let that guard down and allow it.”

“What guard? I don’t have a guard.”

“Are you joking? You have it up right now and I’m your best friend.”

“Lala, you’re hungover and you’re confusing your emotions with mine. I don’t want a girlfriend, I don’t want to get married, and there is no part of me that wants to deal with that bullshit.”

“Right… Why would you when you have your parents running your life for you?” He jerked back, and I instantly regretted my choice of words.

“Wow. Tell me how you really feel.”

“I’m just saying—”

“I’m going to head down to the beach. Feel better, all right?”


He backed away and left and I spent the rest of the morning in bed weaning off my hangover, trying to figure out what made me say those things to him. After I started feeling somewhat normal, I took a shower, ate a little a bit of food, and then I went in search of him. When I found Leo, he was laying on a lounger with his arms behind his head. Some girl was straddling his waist.

He looked happy.


Maybe I was wrong?

Maybe this was what he wanted, and I couldn’t fault him for that. Taking a deep breath, I walked away…

But there was still a tiny piece of me that knew Leo deserved more than what he was settling for.

Chapter 4


“Hey, you ready?” Leo asked, walking into the en-suite bathroom in my bedroom of our rental house in Cancun a couple of days later.

“Yeah, I will be in like five minutes. Just finishing up my makeup.”

“You don’t need makeup.”

“You’ve been saying that since I was thirteen.”

“And I will continue to say it until I no longer have to wait for you to do your makeup.”

I smiled, looking at him through the mirror. We had three days left on the island, and I was soaking up everything I could. Finals were just around the corner and they were going to kick my ass. I was excited to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in psychology and start the next chapter of my life though. I had yet to tell my parents or Leo I’d been applying to out of state schools for my graduate program. I wanted a change of scenery.

A drastic one.

I was born and raised in Tennessee and I was ready for a different vibe.

“Can you hurry your ass up? The guys are ready.”

“Where are we going again?”

“Not sure. Ashton said something about a local having a party at their house.”

“Huh, so we’re going to a stranger’s house in a foreign country?”

“Precisely, so hurry up.”

Through the mirror, I nodded to him. “Can you grab my necklace? It’s in the drawer by the bed.”

While I waited for him to help me put on my jewelry, I finished my eyeliner. Deciding at the last second to do a wing so it would accentuate my dark brown eyes.

“Is this one of those lip plumper’s I see on Instagram ads?”

I didn’t pay his question any mind until I heard a loud buzzing sound coming from the bedroom.

Oh dear God no…

Dropping the liner onto the counter, I darted into the room, watching in horror as Leo had my Sona 2 Cruise vibrator clit suction on his lips.

I didn’t even clean it after I used it an hour ago!

“Not that drawer!” I shouted with wide eyes, my face already burning bright red.


“It’s for a different set of lips, you idiot!”

He cocked his head to the side, eyeing me curiously. Not understanding what I meant.

“Oh my God, Leo! Get my vibrator off your mouth!”

It was his turn for his gaze to widen. He instantly pulled it off his lips with a loud pop and I swear I died a million deaths right then and there.

“What the fuck are you doing with a vibrator?”

“What does one do with a vibrator, Leo?”

“On spring break?”

“Unlike you, I don’t sleep around like it’s a sport. Hence, why I brought my vibrator.”

“The fuck?”

I covered my face, peeking at him through my fingers. I didn’t think it could get any worse, again, I was wrong.

He. Licked. His. Lips.

Leo just licked his lips.

My best friend just licked his lips.

“Leo! You just licked my vagina!”


What the hell do I reply to that?

I didn’t even mean to lick my lips… it was unintentional, like my tongue just came out of my mouth on its own.

I had no control over it.

It just happened.


This was Mila.

My best friend!

I didn’t want to lick her pussy, but shit… why did it taste so fucking good? With the flavor of her still lingering on my tongue, I peered down at the floor. I couldn’t look at her, she could read me like a book, and I had no idea what I felt. It was all so conflicting and confusing, I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

Tags: M. Robinson Playboy Pact Romance