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I have no claim over her.

Damn. Thanks for nothing, Leo.

You’re her best friend.

Am I though? Or have I just become another girl you slept with?

I knew I was being irrational, he didn’t ask me to stay and I was still pissed about the whole situation. The fact that he just stopped trying to be in my life after a couple of months was the icing on the cake. Even though I was the one who wouldn’t speak to him at first.

That was it? I was just worth four weeks of his time? After twenty-two years of friendship, four weeks was all I meant to him?

And you’re the guy she’s dating. I haven’t spoken to her since you told me you were together.

Whoa. Was that why he stopped trying to talk to me?

I hope you didn’t do that for me, Leo. She misses you.

She misses me so much she’s never tried to reach out to me the entire time she’s been gone? Mila was right. We shouldn’t have had sex.

Ouch. Seeing that blatantly written out was harder than I ever imagined it could be.

I thought you said you made love like a fucking needy chick?

I haven’t been with anyone since Mila. All I do is work, asshole.

You need to get your dick wet, motherfucker.

Don’t tell me what I need, Cain. You don’t know.

Apparently, neither do you. Considering it’s right in front of your fucking eyes.

Are you referring to you and Mila? Do whatever you want. I don’t control her life.

I slammed the laptop shut. “Screw you, Leo.” I decided right then and there that one drink wasn’t going to be enough. Making a pitcher, I brought it back upstairs with me.

Cain was driving the boat. He turned in my direction when he heard my feet coming up behind him, immediately taking in my body with his predatory glare and he wasn’t subtle about it. I handed him his drink, set down the pitcher, and then moved to sit in the co-captain’s chair.

For the next hour we talked, flirted, and I desperately tried to shove their conversation away from my mind.

Drinking more and more.

I have no claim over her.

Leo’s words repeated over-and-over in my head. I could literally hear him say it to Cain, who was telling me about his plans to open his business soon and how excited he was.

The Virgin Islands agreed with Cain, he loved the water. It was obvious. He never appeared happier to me than he was in that moment. Talking passionately about his plans and future. Although, it wasn’t the distraction I needed from what I was suddenly feeling, I think I played it off enough.

The booze sure made it easy to do so.

Other than telling him that maybe he was a pirate in a past life, I let him do most of the talking and before I knew it, I drank the entire pitcher of margaritas by myself.

When Cain leaned over close to my lips, and rasped, “My dick’s had a rough time with you since the gym and you haven’t even given him a hand to show him you’re a friend and not foe.”

I smirked because what could I say to that? He took the opportunity of our close proximity to kiss me, and I kissed him back for a moment until I remembered what it felt like to be in Leo’s arms.

Pushing him back, I said a little too loud. “Guess what?! It’s time to go swimming!”

“Swimming? Really? You’re not scared of sharks?”

“Sharks are more scared of you than you are of them. They only come up to you because they’re curious and usually only attack if they feel threatened.”

“You’re a marine biologist now?”

“Cain, I want to go swimming.” I turned and jumped into the ocean. I seriously chose sharks over Cain…

What the hell Mila?

As soon as I popped back up, I realized my boobs were free. “Shit! I lost my top!”

He laughed a little, jumping in after me, in search of my top he went.

“Oh my God! Dolphins!” I shouted while he was underwater.

Cain resurfaced, lifting my top in his hands.

“Look! The dolphins came to see us!”

He smiled, throwing my top over to me. I caught it in the air. As I was putting it back on, one of the dolphins swam to Cain.

“Wow. They’re fast.” I made sure my top was securely in place as I watched the dolphin circle him a couple of times. “I think she likes you.”

“What’s not to like?” He reached over to pet it, but the dolphin had other ideas in mind.

Out of nowhere, I witnessed with wide eyes as it started to grab ahold of him.

“Ummm… Mila, what’s going on?”

I could hear the worry in his tone, and I tried to stay calm. “I’m not sure. Whatever you do, don’t move.”


“I think… I think it’s trying to—”

Tags: M. Robinson Playboy Pact Romance