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I interrupt him with a raised hand. "Let me, Father." I focus my attention back on Gustavo. "Signore Carlucci, I admire you very much. You know that."

He merely smirks, not replying.

"I want you to know I have the utmost respect for your daughter," I go on. "I have never touched her inappropriately. I have always been honest with her. And I hope both you and she will understand... that I can't go through with this marriage."

Gustavo is on his feet the next second. "Are you fucking kidding me, you cazzo?"

Bruno jumps up too, and guards pull out their weapons.

"Calm down," I hiss. "Not in front of the girl."

Reluctantly, everyone puts away the weapons. I notice Nicoletta is shivering, but don't offer to comfort her. That's not my job anymore.

"I'm sorry, Gustavo, but I love someone else," I mutter. "I can't disappoint your daughter by not giving her everything she deserves."

Gustavo is seething with anger. "This is not the deal we made. You will pay dearly for this."

"I'm sorry," Father cuts in. "Perhaps she could marry a cousin..."

"A cousin?" Gustavo spits out before rubbing his chin. "You have other sons, don't you?"

"Yes," Father mutters. "I have four others."

"Well then," Gustavo smirks, looking too pleased with himself for my fucking liking. "What about your prick of a son who stopped the wedding in the first place? If he hadn't done that, none of this would be happening right now."

"Ryder?" Father repeats, glancing at me.

"I like him," Nicoletta chirps, flushing before looking at her hands.

"We know," Gustavo hisses, making her hide her face in her hands. "So, what do you say, Bernardi? Do we have another potential on our hands?"

I watch Nicoletta closely. How can she just be okay with this? She's being passed around like a piece of meat. One brother doesn't want her? That's fine, she'll just go to the next one in fucking line. I'm outraged at both Father and Gustavo on her behalf, not that it helps.

"You have a deal," Father replies after a thoughtful pause.

"You can't be fucking serious!" I snap at him. "Have you even checked with Ryder?"

"Quiet," Father cuts me off sternly. "Don't question me. You had your chance to speak and you got what you fucking wanted, didn't you? Let me worry about Ryder."

I sit back sullenly, waiting for them to finish their conversation. I keep sneaking glances at Nicoletta, but instead of looking terrified or worried, she seems genuinely excited.

I think back to the first time we met, when she thought Ryder was me. She liked him more than me back then... so she must be more excited about this wedding than the other option. I didn't exactly make things easier on her, either.

Drinking in the pretty blonde with newfound interest, I realize never knew much about her. While I've been spending the past three months getting to know Marzia, I haven't devoted any attention to finding out more about my ex-bride. Now it's too late for another chance. Her fate has already been sealed.

As Father and Gustavo shake hands, I try to catch Nicoletta's gaze, but she stubbornly won't meet my eyes. I know I've hurt her confidence, which I deeply regret. And nothing about my decision has anything to do with her— it's just that Marzia will always be first choice for me. No one could outdo her in my eyes. The poor little rich girl just got unlucky. But maybe Ryder will be a better match for her after all.

"Good luck," I say to Nicoletta as she and her father say their goodbyes, agreeing to come back once Father breaks the news to Ryder.

"Goodbye," Nicoletta replies stiffly, glaring at me before getting in the car.

As her driver takes them away, I turn to face Father. "You really think Ryder will go along with this?"

"I have faith," Father says, "That one of my sons will do what I want. You're already disappointed me, let's see if Ryder is smarter than you."

"I'm sorry," I mutter.

"Did I hear that right? The mighty Adrian knows how to apologize?"

"Not about the wedding," I grumble. "About Marzia getting away, and with the baby, too. I fucked up."

"Yes, you did," Father replies sternly. "But it's not too late to fix this. We have a new lead on Marzia's potential whereabouts... Come with me, I'll tell you everything."

I fall into step behind him, following him to his office. As I watch Father walk and talk, I realize just how painfully thin he's gotten.

But I find myself too worried to address that particular worry just yet.



The days are passing by painfully slowly and I find myself more afraid with each hour that ticks by on the clock.

There's been no word from Adrian. Even if he is looking for me, I have no way of making contact. Both Luigi and Vitto have picked up the habit of locking me inside the bedroom, just like Adrian and papa did before them. But unlike papa and Adrian, I never openly hated Luigi.

Tags: Isabella Starling Mafia Heirs Romance