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"Wow. Look at you," Noelle said, nudging me with her foot. "I honestly didn't think you had it in you."

"What am I going to do, stay celibate forever?" I asked. "Thomas is gone and Josh and I are clearly over," I said, annoyed at the fact that my heart panged when I said Josh's name. "It's way past time to move on."

"Good for you," Taylor said with a nod.


"And who better to move on with than Upton Giles?" Kiran added.

"He is so hot," Amberly put in.

I shot her a look of death and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying."

"Whatever. I just can't wait to get out of here and over there," I said, glancing in the direction of St. Barths. "No offense, Kiran. This party is fab, but--"

"We get it. Believe me," Kiran replied, tipping her champagne glass to me, "your party, Miss Brennan, hasn't even started."



I tried to ignore the lewd and immature hoots and hollers of my friends as I boarded the private boat Upton had chartered for me. It was much larger than the speedboats that had brought us out to the island, with a cabin below and steps up to the captain's perch above. The floor and all the white leather seats at the stern were completely blanketed in red and pink rose petals, and there was a folded note perched atop a white life vest.

Be safe, the note read. I'll see you soon.

I smiled to myself as I shrugged the vest on over my red dress, which I had changed back into after the pool, and secured the straps. It was so sweet that he'd thought of the vest, that he was taking care of me even though he wasn't there. I placed the balled-up wet T-shirt (which I'd decided to take home as a souvenir) on one of the side benches along with my purse and settled in, my heart pounding in anticipation. Soon I would be alone with Upton. I tried to imagine


how it would all play out. Felt his hands on my skin and his lips over mine. I shuddered pleasantly. I couldn't wait to experience the real thing.

"All set, miss?" the boat captain called down to me. He glanced over his shoulder slightly and I saw that he had a ruddy beard and wore thick glasses.

"Yes. I'm ready," I replied.

Let's just go, go, go!

He nodded to a worker on the dock, who untied the boat from its tether. The engine sputtered to life and we pulled away lazily, making our way out to the open water. As soon as we were a few yards from the private island, the captain really opened her up, and we were flying across the open ocean, jumping waves at an alarming speed.

My heart skipped a few frightened beats and I held on to the safety rail to my right, pressing my lips together to keep myself from shouting out. I didn't want to be a big baby, but I wouldn't have imagined that a boat this large could actually move so fast. Or that it should. But if Upton hired this guy, I was sure he knew what he was doing. Besides, the faster we traveled, the sooner I would get to Upton's house. The sooner I would be in Upton's arms.

We jumped a large wave and the boat slammed back down into the water as if it were concrete. Every bone in my body was jarred and I closed my eyes for a second, trying to compose myself. If Noelle were here, she would definitely say something. Tell the guy to slow down. He was, after all, on Upton's payroll. Wouldn't he have to listen to Upton's guest?


Just do it, Reed. Stick up for yourself.

I opened my eyes and looked at St. Barths off the starboard side. My heart all but stopped. The island wasn't there. I glanced around, disoriented, and saw that the main island and all its sparkling lights were now behind us, the private island off in the distance to my right. We had completely turned around, headed in the darkness out to the wide-open water.

My heart vaulted into my throat. If there was one place I didn't want to be, it was the open ocean. What was wrong with this guy? Was he drunk? Had he passed out at the wheel or something?

I forced my terror to the back of my mind and pushed myself to my feet. Still clinging to the handrail, I took a shaky step forward, glad, at least, that I had worn low heels instead of the stilettos Kiran had wanted me to. The problem of course, was that the captain was standing up on a platform above me. The only way to get to him would be to climb one of the two steep sets of wet stairs on either side of the cabin. The very idea made my stomach turn like I'd just gotten off a badly constructed carnival ride.

"Excuse me!" I shouted as loud as I could. The captain didn't flinch. Didn't move. Didn't acknowledge that he had heard me. He probably hadn't, what with the roaring of the engine and the slapping of the boat against the water. "Excuse me! Hey!" I reached out for the safety rail at the bottom of the stairs and placed my trembling foot on the bottom step. "We're going the wrong way! The island is over the--"

My words were suddenly cut off as a bandana was flung over my

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult