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was wearing the red Nicole Miller dress Portia had bought for me all those weeks ago. It had only

been worn once before, when I'd gone on that awful date with Hunter Braden, and I had a feeling

he wouldn't remember it at all, considering how very self-absorbed he was. The Billings Girls

would all remember it, of course, and that was exactly how I wanted it. Wearing this dress meant

they hadn't beaten me. Wearing this dress meant I had risen above.

I just hoped Portia didn't try to tear it off me like the ugly stepsisters had done to Cinderella. That

would not be pretty.

There was a knock at the door and I quickly opened it. Sabine and Constance stood in the hallway,

cuddled into their long wool coats. Constance's red hair was pulled back from her face with wisps

hanging down around her cheeks, and she wore more eye makeup than I had ever seen her

attempt before. Sabine was looking as natural as ever, but she had woven a small braid into her

hair on the right side and clasped it with a tiny rhinestone clip.

"Reed, you look gorgeous," Sabine gushed, looking me up and down.

"Ready to party?" Constance asked, pushing herself up on her toes in excitement.

A little thrill ran right through my chest. This was the first night of the rest of my life. I grabbed

Josh's gift and my coat on my way out the door.

"You have no idea how ready."



"So, is anyone making a toast?" Constance asked, taking a sip of red punch."No way," Sonal replied

with a snort. "I could never get up in front of the entire school and do that."

"I know. Me neither," Constance said. "Worst nightmare."

Much to my shock, Constance had stayed by my side for the entire cocktail hour--or mocktail hour,

I suppose, since only sodas, punch, and sparkling cider were served. Maybe Sabine's bravery was

rubbing off on her. Whatever the cause, I appreciated it. In fact, before long I was surrounded by

friends. Constance, Sabine, Marc, Astrid, Diana, Sonal, Shane. For a leper I was doing quite well for


"Really getting a lot of mileage out of that dress, aren't you, Reed?" Shelby asked, looking me up

and down with a sneer as she, Portia, and the Twin Cities strolled by. Shelby was wearing a royal


Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult