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"Wait." This time when she reached for him, she held on, her hand warm and soft and very strong. He lifted his head prepared to tell her that he'd had a shit day and wasn't in the mood for games, but if she thought he'd ruined her perfect little life, too, then he'd be happy to introduce her to Lauren and they could swear some sort of blood oath and promise each other lifelong fealty.

But he never said the words, because she took a step closer, looked him right in the eyes, and said, "She's a bitch. And she's wrong. And--"

He had no idea what came next, because that's when he pulled her close, then shut her up with a long, slow kiss.

Chapter Ten

His kiss destroyed her.

Shelby's head spun, her legs went weak, and the only thought she had in her head was that she wanted more. She hadn't planned this--hell, she'd only wanted to tell him that his ex was an idiot--but the instant that Nolan's lips touched hers, she was lost.

Maybe she should have realized. After all, she'd been craving him for days. He'd stolen into her dreams and barged into her thoughts. She'd spent hours justifying her decision to stay away when the only thing her body wanted was him since the moment he'd walked away Thursday morning.

Some small voice inside her head told her this was insane. That she should walk away now before she regretted it. That with this man she'd be risking more than her heart, she'd be risking her dreams--her plans.

She told the damn voice to shut up. She didn't care about protests or plans or the future. All she knew was now. And all she wanted was him.

What was it Hannah had said? That she should take a chance? Well, maybe Hannah hadn't convinced her, but Nolan's kisses were very, very persuasive.

"Nolan. Oh, God," she moaned as his mouth moved to her neck, her earlobe. He was working his magic on her, and heat flowed in her veins, a wild burning passion that his kisses only stoked, making her burn hotter and hotter until she was certain that she would simply combust in his arms.

She turned her head, forcing their mouths together again, and her fingers twined in his hair as she held him, tasted him. Christ, she craved him, and she opened her mouth to his, demanding he deepen the kiss, wanting to consume and be consumed.

She lost herself in the taste of him, in the taint of pain as his teeth tugged on her lower lip. In the coppery tang of blood from the violent clashing of their mouths and teeth. It wasn't enough--it wasn't nearly enough. And even when he pulled away, his mouth closing over the halter of her dress so that he sucked her nipple through the material, and his hands started to slide under her skirt, she simply wanted more. So badly--so desperately--that when he pulled away and stood in front of her, she actually whimpered.

"Don't stop. God, Nolan, please don't stop."

"Hell no," he said. "But we need to take a short recess to find a better place fast. Otherwise, I'm taking you in the ladies' room and locking us into a stall."

"No good," she teased. "No way I could stay quiet enough."

He chuckled. "Good. I like your noises. I like to make you scream."

"Make me come and I'll scream as loud as you want," she murmured, and Nolan tilted his head back and laughed.


"Listen to you. How many people know what naughty things can come out of that mouth? You with your sensible shoes and your tweed jacket and your tailored button down shirts."

She lifted her brows. "From anyone else, I'd think I'd been insulted."

"Oh, no," he said. "Not even close. You're my fantasy, baby. Did you know that? Because you're all mine." His eyes searched hers as his fingertip stroked her cheek. "No one else sees the woman I do."

She swallowed. "Nolan..."

"You gave that to me, Shelby, whether you meant to or not."

His words were like a soft rain, and she soaked them in, knowing he was right. He saw a part of her no one else did. Certainly not Alan, who'd probably die from shock if he had even an inkling of the things she'd done and said with Nolan.

"Do you have any idea how much of a turn on that is?" Nolan asked. "Knowing we have this secret? That you've shared something so intimate with me?"

"I do," she whispered. "Because if I'm your fantasy, then you're my muse." She brushed a kiss over his lips. "I've never done these things with anyone," she told him. "You inspire me."

"Do I? What are you inspired to do now?"

"Nothing we can do right here," she said, then laughed.

"Where, then?"

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance