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"All right," Joan says. "You're all set."

I look from her to Lyle and then back again. "That's it?"

"That's it," she confirms. She hands me a receipt that shows a zero balance. "You'll be getting the rest of the paperwork in the mail, but your part is done."

"So no foreclosure. No more loan payments. Just ... done."

"You two should go celebrate." She nods at the ring. "I probably shouldn't say, but I saw your pictures yesterday. You make a lovely couple."

"Thanks," I say, standing.

"I think Joan is right," Lyle says. He's standing now, too, and he slides his arm around my waist. I lean happily against him, because that's what newly engaged couples do.

"Celebrate," I say. "You know, I think that's an excellent idea."

Joan congratulates us again, and we head out into the bright California sun.

As soon as the door closes behind us, I hold out my arms and spin, laughing like a little kid. Then I spin my way over to Lyle, who catches me mid-twirl and holds me by my waist.

"Hi," I say, easing close, so that I'm pressed against him, my arms tight around his neck. I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "And thank you."

"You know, we're getting married," he says. "People might be watching."

"Good point," I say. "I can see why you're such a good actor."

"I like to get into the part," he says, and I'm suddenly very aware of the way he's holding me. Of the scent of his cologne.

There's a low thrum of awareness growing inside me, and before I can talk myself out of it, I capture his mouth with a kiss, then just about reel under the intensity with which he kisses me back. So thoroughly and completely that I'm not sure if I've ever really been kissed before. Like all other kisses were just practice for this one. This man.

I'm lightheaded when he breaks the kiss, and he has to hold my arm to keep me from stumbling.

"Well," I say breathlessly. "You really are a great actor. I think that kiss convinced anyone who was looking."

"Same to you," he says, his eyes never leaving mine. "I really believed you were enjoying it."

I manage a flicker of a smile, then look away. I'm aware of every single nerve ending in my body right now, and all I really want to do is continue that kiss. Well, that and all the things the kiss might lead to.

Stop it.

I need to think non-sexual thoughts. Things like asphalt. And cars. And--I glance around the street--bank buildings.

Which reminds me of my loan.

Which reminds me of Lyle.

Which puts me right back where I started.

I grab his hand. "We should walk. We look silly just standing here."

He glances at his watch. "You're right, it's getting late."

I pull out my phone and check the time. Between the two hours it took to browse and buy at Tiffany's, drive time back to Venice, and the hour we spent waiting and then talking with Joan, it's now almost two o'clock. No wonder I'm hungry.

"Should we grab some lunch?"

"Actually, we should probably eat on the road if we want to have any time at the park today."


Tags: J. Kenner Stark World Erotic