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whispered, as the weight of his chin rested on her shoulder.

His voice was gravelly, relaxed, and she imagined him smiling. “What does it smell like?”

Breathing deep, she said, “Nothing I’ve ever smelled before. It’s wide-open, massive. The air tastes

crisp, briny.”

His lips pressed to the sensitive curve of her neck. “So does your skin. Tell me what it sounds like.”

Her ears tuned out the distant chatter and soft rocking of boats. They were definitely on a boat, she

decided, which was also a new experience. “It sounds . . . like secrets, deep, dark, and whispered.”

His fingers toyed with the hem of her shirt, tracing soft swirls over the skin of her belly. He was

arousing her with the slightest caress. His breath alone, as it echoed over the shell of her ear, was

erotic. The balmy heat was moist, misting salt water over her sun-heated cheeks. She sighed and tilted

her head back.

Strong fingers guided her hands to a railing and held them in place. She jumped at the roar of an

engine. She amended her image of a boat to a big boat. “Do you own this boat?”

“I must insist you use the proper nautical terms so as not to offend my manhood. We’re on a yacht

and yes, it’s mine.”

“Another toy,” she commented.

He nudged her backside with his hips. “I love my toys.”

The yacht moved and she swayed, her fingers tightening over the rail. “How much further?”

“Only a few minutes longer. Hold on tight.”

Her body lurched into his broad form, but she didn’t panic as badly as she did on the jet. So long as

she was in his arms she was fine. Her hair whipped back as the yacht picked up speed. Moisture

tickled her lips, and the temperate breeze went from stagnant to refreshing. Excitement, bottled up

inside of her, came rushing out in bubbles of laughter. She was speeding over the ocean.

It was too overwhelming to speak. When the yacht slowed, there was more rocking, jostling, and

eventually the motor was cut. A thrill of anticipation spiked up in her belly, tickling her smile with

uncontainable joy.

“We’re here,” he whispered, lifting her arms from the rail.

Various voices called to Lucian, but he didn’t stop to talk to anyone for more than a second or two

as she was blindly ushered away. His hand repetitively squeezed her fingers and she could tell he was

excited too. They walked down a slope and onto another planked surface. It was quieter there than

where they’d departed from.

Soft ripples made delicate splashing sounds. Waves sloshed at a soothing pace. She wanted to

borrow their rhythm. It was hypnotic. Her and Lucian’s footsteps clanked along the planked path.

Lucian stopped and she halted. “Give me your foot.” He removed her sandal. “And the other one.

Now step.”

She gasped as her feet sunk into soft sand. It was hot. Why hadn’t she expected that? Chills raced up

her spine, puckering her skin in strange places. Her entire body responded to the unique sensation

beneath her feet. Her toes wiggled and she laughed.

“It’s so soft.”

“Come on. There’s more.”

Treading through sand was different than walking over a smooth surface. Her leg muscles tingled

with each step. He tugged her arm, cutting off the slack of his lead, and she abruptly stopped.


She grinned. She could hear how close they were, feel the open breeze. “Ready.”

He took both her hands in his. Her fingers squeezed and brushed over the coarse plaster of his

casted wrist. He pulled her forward and she sucked in a deep breath.

Cool water lapped at her toes, engulfing her bare feet, then licked at her ankles. He removed her

blindfold, and light seeped through her lashes, causing a white glow. “Open your eyes, Evelyn.”

Her lashes flickered. It was . . . incredible. There was no world on the other side of the horizon, only impressive sea and endless sky. The sun hung like a burning piece of fruit in the clouds. She’d never

seen anything so impressive.

“Oh, Lucian . . .” She shook her head. “It’s magnificent.”

“Not nearly as magnificent as your expression right now.”

They stood staring at the ocean for a long while. Eventually, they stripped off their clothes and

waded into the surf. Lucian assured her their privacy was secure, as the crew had already departed the

island on a smaller craft.

White, salty kisses marked her skin. Tiny urchins raced under the glass surface. Lucian could only

wade out so far because of his cast, but he laughed as she dove under the waves. Euphoria surrounded

her as much as the weightless water. She was a mermaid, falling through the silky waves and piercing

the surface, her body buoyant and free.

Once she was sufficiently waterlogged, they lounged in the sand, the sun drying their skin. Imprints

of broken shells and grit beveled her thighs. She leaned into Lucian and kissed him long and slow.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“Of all the things you’ve ever given me, I think this is my favorite.”

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Surrender Trilogy Billionaire Romance