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“Where’s Haley?” I ask as I walk back to bed.

“She left. We broke up. Long story. We’ll talk about it later,” he replies as he looks around my room, probably trying to locate my extra comforter.

I sigh. “Aub, really, I’m fine now. I’ll get a glass of water, and I’ll be fine. Promise.”

He stops and searches my face again before sighing and shaking his head. “Alright, Blake, you know where to find me. If it happens again, though—”

“I know. Here,” I interrupt as I give him the key to my room. He gives me a kiss on the head before closing the door and locking it behind him.

I switch on the television while yawning and stretching my back. I should find reruns of SportsCenter on right now, which is exactly what I need. When I find the channel, I smile at the sight of Cole in his sharp navy suit and tie. I let his smooth voice soothe me as I drift back to sleep. Later, I feel my bed sink and wake with a start. What is Aubry doing? I turn to see Cole grinning widely as he shows me the key I’d given Aubry earlier. After a couple of minutes of staring at him, I realize I’m not dreaming and launch myself at him, sobbing uncontrollably.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here now. Everything’s okay,” he coos as he caresses my back.

I climb on top of his lap and let him cocoon me in his protective arms.

I hate crying. It makes me feel weak. Unfortunately for him, I only let myself cry in front of Cole. Lately my nightmares have gotten more detailed and my lack of sleep is starting to affect my life. Most days I feel like a walking zombie. I’ve been living on a 5-Hour Energy diet for the past month. I’m not even sure if I’m remembering things or making them up as I go. I feel like my reality and my nightmare are meshing together, and it’s only a matter of time before I drive myself crazy with all of it.

“This one was so real, Cole,” I say in between sobs.

He continues to stroke my hair. He doesn’t have to say anything to me; he’s been dealing with my nightmares for a long time.

“I know, baby. Go to sleep. I’m here now; nobody will hurt you,” Cole says softly into my hair.

It isn’t until I wake up a third time and feel an arm wrapped around my body that I register that Cole’s sleeping with me. I turn sideways in his death grip, so I can watch him sleep for a little while. Watching him sleep is an old favorite pastime of mine. When we were younger, I used to do it all the time if I had trouble going back to sleep.

I study the way his long brown eyelashes fan his golden cheeks. His defined jaw and twice-broken nose that accent his features perfectly. The short chestnut brown hair I used to love to run my hands through. His full pink lips are slightly parted. My eyes drift down from his face to his toned muscular arms down his naked chest to his taut stomach that he works so hard to maintain and they land on the V that leads to his masculinity, where my fingers itch to touch him.

As if on cue, Aubry barges through my bedroom door. “Russell is here,” he pants, covering his face with his left arm.

I crinkle my eyebrows. “Did you open the door with the key, or did Cole leave it unlocked again?”

Aubry takes a deep breath. “He left it unlocked. Did you hear what I said?” he asks in an annoyed tone.

“Take your arm down,” I say with a laugh. “We’re dressed...well, I am anyway. I’m not sure how Cole looks under these sheets.”

“Well, like I said, Russell is here. I haven’t let him in yet but I don’t think he’s going to be happy that there’s a guy in your bed. Actually, I know he’ll be pissed that Cole is in your bed,” Aubry specifies, pointing at Cole’s sleeping form.

I groan. He’s right. My boyfriend will be upset. Russell already has his speculations about Cole, and I don’t want to add fuel to the fire. I’ve never let Russell stay the night, and if he finds Cole in my bed, it’ll be the breaking point of our relationship. The last time Cole was here, he accidentally mentioned that I had the most comfortable bed in the apartment. Russell asked Cole how he would know that, and Cole answered that he slept in it all the time. That turned into a huge fight between Russell and me. I almost broke up with him over it because the last thing I need is somebody telling me what to do—but I need Russell in my life right now.

Tags: Claire Contreras Darkness Romance