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“I guess we should go.” She dragged her eyes from mine and looked outside of the elevator. I already knew what awaited. The code made the elevator open up smack in the center of my parents’ condo.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I breathed out and without even thinking about it, grabbed her hand in mine as we walked.

“Well, I can’t say this isn’t unexpected.” Nolan walked out of the kitchen and into our line of vision as we walked down the hall. He was wearing sweatpants and a gray Ellis Athletics T-shirt. He looked at the two of us. “Damn, look at you two matching and shit. Taking this dating thing to a new level, huh?”

“Shouldn’t you be at practice?” I let go of Eva’s hand and punched my brother in the shoulder when he went to hug me.

“Does Mom know you brought a guest?” he asked.


I hadn’t wanted to tell my mother that I was bringing someone because I knew she’d start asking questions and making assumptions. With our parents, it was always best to just surprise them. Besides, it wasn’t like we were dating. I didn’t even know if she was Stella or Eva or both, for God’s sake, yet there I was, wishing like hell those elevator doors hadn’t opened at all.

“Welcome, Stella,” Nolan said, turning to her, and I remembered once again why this was all so complicated.


I’d keep rolling with Stella for now.

“Hey.” Nolan turned around. “Mom’s on the phone. Dad’s getting dressed.”

When we entered the kitchen, our mother set the phone down and looked up with a huge smile on her face as she stood.

“I didn’t know you were bringing someone.” She walked over, arms wide as she hugged me. She was a foot shorter than me, but still held me as tight as she did when I was little. When she pulled away, she looked at Stella. “I’m Leah. Nice to meet you.”

“Stella.” She smiled and held her hand out, but my mother pulled her into a hug instead.

“I’m sorry. I get so excited when I see my boys that I start hugging everyone without asking.” Mom pulled away.

“I’m not much of a hugger.” Stella’s face heated. “Sorry.”

“No worries.” Mom batted away her apology. “I should really ask.”

“I should really get used to hugs.”

“Why don’t you like them?” Mom tilted her head slightly.

I walked back over to where Nolan was standing and left my mother speaking to Stella slash Eva.

“What’s going on?” Nolan whispered.

“I met her twin. I think.”

“What do you mean twin?”

“Well, I don’t know if she’s a twin or if she has multiple personalities.”

“What?” Nolan blinked. “One of them is a lesbian though.”

“Seriously, dude? Focus on the issue at hand.”

“Right. What’s the issue?”

“I don’t know what to believe. Is she a twin or is she one person pretending to be two?”

“Ah.” His brow arched. “I mean, look at the bright side, it’ll be like being with a different woman every night.”


He chuckled. “Sorry.”

“I saw her at The Institute. I saw her walk out of there and leave with a driver, then I saw her back inside saying her name was Stella. The file was restricted but there were a few visible notes. It said she suffered from delusions. She’s been known to talk about a twin she thought she had. What are the chances?”

“And she says she was adopted?” Nolan looked behind me. “This one, I mean.”


Nolan stayed quiet for a long moment. “Was she invited into The Swords?”

“Stella was.”

“But Eva wasn’t?”

“No telling. I don’t have the names of the other people invited.”

“Dude.” Nolan’s eyes widened on mine as he glanced back over to Stella slash Eva and our mother. This time, I looked as well, my gaze finding hers. She flashed a small smile and I felt myself return it. When I looked at my brother, he looked troubled. “Have you told Will? Wolf?”

“No. No.” I shook my head. I didn’t want to bring attention to this. Not yet. Not until I knew.


“I don’t know.”

“Those are your brothers.” Nolan searched my eyes. “You pledged loyalty to them, not her.”

“I know.” That was eating away at me. I’d pledged my loyalty to them, but she seemed to need it more than they did. She needed someone in her corner. “She’ll be a Sword tomorrow.”

“Well, then.” Nolan exhaled. “I guess you’ve made your choice.”

“There’s nothing to choose.”

“Sounds to me like you’re choosing your girl over your brothers.”

“She’s not my girl.”

“Isn’t she though?” He crossed his arms. I felt my jaw tense.

“Drop it.”

“Why’d you bring her here anyway?”

I scratched my head. It didn’t itch, but I didn’t want to answer and I figured if my hand was busy scratching my head it wouldn’t end up on my brother’s face.

“Jesus, Adam. You brought her so Mom could psychoanalyze her?” Nolan chuckled, shaking his head. “Does Mom even know?”

Tags: Claire Contreras Secret Society Romance