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Mr. Pootie jumped onto Tucker’s lap and started to knead his paws right on his junk.

“Hey! What in the hell! He’s trying to claw my dick!”

I didn’t even attempt to hide my laughter.

“He’s not trying to claw at your dick. He’s kneading because he wants to snuggle with you.”

Tucker’s mouth dropped open. “Snuggle with me?”

I nodded. “I’m not snuggling with your goofy-looking cat.”

With a shrug, I stood and made my way over to Mr. Pootie. Picking him up, I gave him a kiss before looking down at Tucker.

“That’s a shame. My pussy was really looking forward to a little one-on-one.”

Tucker’s throat bobbed as he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Are you trying to say you want me, Charlie?”

I scoffed. “Hardly.”

Lies! All lies.

I wanted him more than I could stand. I was beginning to wonder who in the hell seduced whom.

He stood and took a step closer to me, causing me to hold Mr. Pootie tighter.

“You’re lying.”

“I am not!” I stated in a childlike voice.

Christ, I’m a grown woman for fuck’s sake.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want me … right here, right now.”

Ugh. I could lie my ass off in a boardroom, but to Tucker, I was finding it very difficult. My mouth went dry as I struggled to swallow.

“You should go,” I finally managed to get out.

Tucker raised his brows as he slipped his hands into his jeans pocket. He slowly nodded and then moved around me and headed to the door.

Closing my eyes, I fought the urge to call out for him. I needed to keep the ball in my court. I needed to make Tucker want me like he’d never wanted me before. He couldn’t be the one doing the seducing. It had to be me, and I had to make this more about sex and not about the feelings I knew we both had for one another. Or was I going about this all wrong?

“Tucker?” I asked, turning to face him. His smug grin begged to be smacked right off his unshaven face.

“Change your mind?”

“No. I was going to see if you wanted to go to a movie.”

His smile dropped and he stared at me like I’d asked him to solve world hunger. “Like, as in a date?”

I gave a small shrug. “What’s the matter? Do you only think of me as someone you can fuck and then leave? Oh wait, that’s what you did the other day in your office.”

Holding up his hand, Tucker’s eyes went nearly black. “Now hold on a second, I asked you then about this being something more. You’re the one who said …”

“I know what I said then,” I blurted out, cutting him off. “I’m changing my mind.”

The left side of his face twitched with the threat of a smile.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic