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I did pushups and sit-ups every day. I ran. And I planned on having some very athletic sex over the next forty-eight hours.

What had Danny called it?

Sport sex.

I was going to have a lot of sport sex. I grinned as the sweat poured down my face, but it quickly faded. Danny would have loved Cass. He would have laughed his ass off at the hoops she was making me jump through.

I headed home and showered, staring at the dark grey suit I’d bought for the wedding. Kelly had gone with me, forcing me to class it up for this. All the way up.

The damn suit was expensive. But Cass was more than worth it. I wanted to look sharp for her.

I wanted everything to be perfect.

But as I shaved, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Danny should have been my best man.

He should have been here with me.

I heard his voice in my mind, loud and clear and so familiar it made my heart ache.

I am, brother. Make me proud. Go get her.

He winked.

But don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

I smiled and put on my suit.


“Who has a morning wedding anyway?”

Mase grumbled as he adjusted his tie. He looked so handsome in his suit. I knew he hated it, but he was doing it for me.

And I loved him for it.

“Where’s your friend?”

I smirked, wondering how Mason would deal with Kelly and Mrs. DeWitt showing up here to do my hair. I shook my head.

“They are meeting me at the church.”

I didn’t know how he’d done it, but Conn had arranged for a wedding and a reception in just one week. Not just a tiny one either. There were almost two hundred people coming.

I was pretty sure it would be the first and last time the FBI and the Untouchables ever broke bread under one roof.

I smiled. What could go wrong? Conn had pulled it off though.

He’d said he would and he did. Maybe being a Special Agent had something to do with it.

Or maybe he was just the most determined human being on Earth. The most pent-up human being who was desperate to get his hands on me. Basically, he’d pulled out all the stops to get me in his bed.


Mason lifted the dress bag and walked me out to the limo Conn had sent. He’d grumbled something about not having me ride the back of Mason’s bike with my damn wedding dress flapping in the breeze.

My car had mysteriously disappeared from The Jar, so I had no wheels. Conn had grinned when I mentioned it. Mase had said not to worry about it, but I knew the two of them were up to something.

I wasn’t going to worry about that though. Not today. I was a bride today.

I was marrying the man I loved.

Of course, I wasn’t sure I’d actually told him yet. But I would tonight. When we were in bed.

I giggled. Bed, or wherever else we ended up. I knew we probably wouldn’t make it to the bed. Not the first time, anyway.

I practically skipped to the limo and climbed in, rolling down the window. I felt like a kid, excitedly bouncing in my seat. Mason rolled his eyes as I found a pop station and turned it up.

Way up.

He didn’t say a word, even though I knew he hated it.

He was a good man. And he’d stood up for me with Conn, which meant so much to me. He’d even told me the truth about his past. I was lucky. For the first time since the accident, I really felt like I truly had a home.

Two homes actually.

I closed my eyes and let the breeze wash over me. It was sunny and warm for this time of year. A perfect day.

And I was getting married.


I was getting married.

I hoped so anyway. I paced back and forth at the front of the church, suddenly nervous. Mickey stood beside me, looking amused. Sheila sat in the front row with my mom, whispering in her ear and smirking at me.

Everyone thought I was nervous about getting married.

But they were wrong.

Tying myself to Cassandra for the rest of my life was the last thing I was worried about. I wasn’t even bothered by the hundred tattoo covered guys who were sitting on the bride’s side of the aisle, making my mother look like she might faint.

Oh yeah. Cass might be an orphan, but she had people now. Biker people. And I was just going to have to deal with it.

If they loved her half as much as I did, they couldn’t be half bad.

I grimaced, pulling at my tie.

None of that was why I was sweating or had such a sour feeling in my stomach. No. I was just afraid the bride might not show up!

My sister appeared in the doorway and gave me a thumbs up. I felt all the tension leave my body. Cass was here. Now I just had to get her ass down the aisle!

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic