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I would not be relaxed until she’d said yes, and she was under me in that hotel room, screaming my name!

Hell, I might not relax until we were eighty!

The music started and I stood up straight, eager to get the show on the road. Everyone turned to look as Cass appeared in the doorway on Mason’s arm.

She… looked… different…

My jaw dropped and my heart raced as I looked at my bride. I’d barely seen her in a dress even once. But this was something else.

Her natural beauty was dialed up to a gazillion. Her beautiful hair was pinned back with a delicate lace veil trailing over her shoulders.

Her bare shoulders.

Hot lust sliced through me. Great, Conn. Real nice. Now was not the time to get a fucking boner.

My angel’s beautiful face looked so pure and perfect. She was done up just a bit, the subtle makeup enhancing those insanely gorgeous blue eyes of hers, and deepening the pink of her lips and cheeks.

The strapless dress hugged her curves, showing off those high, firm tits of hers. Um, breasts. I shouldn’t call my wife’s perfect jugs ‘tits’ right?

Not in church anyway.

I was pretty much drooling as she walked down the aisle. I continued staring at her in awe as Mason placed her hand in mine. The Preacher cleared his throat and I finally tore my eyes away from her.

Half the guys in the audience laughed.


Oops, another bad word to be thinking during my wedding ceremony. I forced myself to focus on what the Preacher was saying, stealing glances at Cass the whole time.

She used her real name for the ceremony, which made my chest swell with pride. Then it was time for the ‘I dos.’

I said mine so loud the entire crowd laughed this time. Even Cass turned pink. Her voice was soft but sure as she agreed to become my lawfully wedded wife.

“I, Cassandra Elliot, take you, Connor DeWitt, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part.”

I grinned as I slid the ring onto her finger. I melted like putty at the sweet, serious look in her stunning eyes as she slid a plain gold band onto mine.

“I now pronounce you man and wife.”

And just like that. She was mine.

Mine. Mine mine mine!

“You may kiss the bride.”

The crowd went wild as I pulled her against me, tipping her chin up. Then I kissed her, hard and long and deep. I lifted her off the ground, holding her against my rigid erection as I plundered her mouth with my tongue.

Cass was bright pink when I finally set her down on her feet again. Mase was glaring at me. I winked at him as I took off down the aisle, practically dragging my wife behind me.

I wanted to get to the limo. I wanted a quickie on the way to the party. I wanted her, now, dammit.

But the crowd rushed forward to congratulate us and we were stuck. The wedding photographer waylaid us and snapped about a thousand pictures on the church stairs.

We got couple photos, photos of the family, photos with Mason. A photo of me and my crew, with Sheila front and center. Even a photo of Cass surrounded by the Untouchables.

It was almost an hour later when I was finally able to pull her away. I was grinning as I guided her into the limo and told the driver to take the scenic route. I took one last look at the crowd and froze, one foot inside the limo.

I saw something that made my blood run cold.

Cain was there. The head of the whole damn gang. And he was staring at my sister. And she was staring back at him.

Hell, Kelly was smiling at the giant brute.

I decided I needed to have a little talk with my sister about appropriate men when we got to the party.

But first, I had some pipe to lay.


“Come here wife.”

Connor’s eyes were dark as he pulled me against him for a kiss. His tongue delved deep into my mouth, tasting me with a growl.

I gasped as I felt his hands on my thighs. He had pushed my dress up to my waist.


His lips found my neck and I felt my veil start to slip.

“What are you-”

“Lean back.”

I stared at him as he guided me onto the limo seat and started tugging my panties down.

“You must be joking.”

“Nuh uh.”

I couldn’t resist the boyish grin on his face. I sighed as he teased my pussy with his lips and tongue, tracing my sensitive nub with the lightest pressure. I felt myself responding and moaned.

He told me he loved me as he slipped a finger inside me. I arched my back as he worked his magic on my clit. I felt utterly depraved letting him eat me out like this in our wedding limo.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic