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“I’m not taking advantage of her! I’m marrying her for Christ’s sake!”

“I don’t see a ring on her finger, you fucker!”

My eyes got big as Connor pulled out a jewelry box. Wow. Talk about spoiling the moment.

“I have it right here! I- got distracted.”

I stifled a laugh as Mason shook his head.

“Yeah you got fucking distracted. By your dick.”

“I was going to propose!”

“Uh huh. I thought it was usually the guy who got on his knees.”

Conn’s mouth dropped open. What could he say to that? I turned bright pink.

Yeah, Mase knew exactly what we’d been up to.

He sighed and jerked his head towards the door.

“Get out of here.”


“No more visits until the wedding either!”

“That’s seven days!”

“I don’t give a fuck!”

“That’s torture!”

“It’s tradition! Now get the fuck out!”

I shrugged helplessly as Connor stormed out the door. He turned to stare at me.


I burst into laughter as Mason slammed the door in Conn’s face. Mase grinned at me, locking the door.

“What? Was he going to propose with me here?”

I shook my head helplessly. I felt terrible for Conn but the look on his face was too funny. I knew he was going to be hurting tonight from that interrupted blowjob.

“Are you really going to make him wait all week to see me?”

Mason nodded.

“Trust me, he can handle it. The man has ice in his veins. You sure you want to marry him, Cass?”

Mason had started calling me Cass too. It was funny how much more I felt like myself. And it was all because of Conn.

“I’m sure. I love him.”

“Love?” Mase sighed heavily. “Have you told him that yet?”

I shook my head and Mason grinned.

“Good. Nothing wrong with making a man suffer a bit for what he really wants.”

I bit my lip as Mason hoisted the tub of sauce out of the fridge.

Well, Mase was right about one thing. Whether it was good or not, Conn was definitely going to suffer.


I stared at the ceiling. If I could sleep, the misery would stop. But I couldn’t sleep in the condition I was in. No man could.

Seven days of hell.

It’d been a week. A week since I’d been alone with my woman. A week since her gorgeous lips had been wrapped around my cock, on the brink of milking me for everything I was worth.

I’d been in pain, suffering through an epic case of blue balls ever since. Every night, every damn minute, I was aching for her. Unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

But tomorrow all that would change.

Tomorrow, I was marrying her.

I glanced at the clock. Make that today. It was already after six and just starting to get light. I decided to make coffee and go for a run.

Anything to keep my mind off all the hours I had to wait. Or the man I had to thank for my heavy balls and heavy heart.

Oh yeah, payback for Mason was going to be a bitch.

Planning all the ways I would make his life difficult had become my second favorite thing to fantasize about this week.

I made coffee, staring around the house while I stretched. The food bowls were still out, clean and waiting. Maybe we’d get a pet. A shelter animal, like Mase had done.

Cass would like that I think.

It was so empty without her here. I’d always loved the peace and quiet. Craved the time by myself, with no one to bother me. I wanted to be left alone. But now I hated it.

It meant she was gone.

Well, she was coming home tonight dammit. Or after the weekend I’d booked us at a five-star hotel. And this time she was coming home for good. And if she ever left again, I would chain her to the damn wall.

I smiled as I remembered the only time I’d seen her beautiful face all week. Mason had allowed me one half hour with her, under supervision. I’d proposed, my cock aching and hard as I slid to my knees.

I’d asked her formally to become my wife. Cass had said yes with tears in her eyes and then I’d kissed her, taking my time and ignoring Mason completely.

Unfortunately, kissing her had only made me harder.

Yeah, I was dealing with a 24/7 megaboner. And it wasn’t fun. But I could still work and I could still run, even if my fucking balls felt like lead weights!

I chugged a half a cup of coffee and hit the ground at full speed. It was cool and still kind of dark but I knew the trails around my house well. I was the one who had cleared them, widening the paths that the deer and other animals took. I’d connected several of them so they circled back towards the cabin.

I didn’t need to do much of a warm up, not after the FBI had put me through my paces. The training had been brutal, and I’d done my best to keep up with it.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic