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I thrust into her with each sentence. With each truth.

“I want you in sickness and in health. I want you when you are a pain in the ass. When you are sleepy. When you bounce around the room like a teenager.”


She was coming. I smiled and continued my slow, hard thrusts, riding through the convulsions that massaged my cock so deliciously.

“I love you, Casey Cassandra Cassie Elliot Jones. I fucking love you.”

I grimaced as my balls started to hum. I was close too. They rolled over, ready to explode.

“And yes, I plan on doing this as much as humanly fucking possible too.”

Her back arched up as her orgasm continued, growing even stronger. My cock jerked inside her, spraying her with my seed. I tried to speak but I couldn’t, my orgasm was way too intense.

“Ah! Fuck!”

I pounded her harder into the twin bed with the rickety frame. It banged against the wall as I rode her, taking what was mine.

Giving her what was hers.

Because I belonged to this one beautiful girl. Heart and soul. And my cock.

Especially my cock.

I held her as the tremors passed, unable to stop myself from kissing her soft skin. Her hair. Her nose.

She sighed contentedly as I rolled to the side, bringing her with me.

I felt so good. So right. She was mine. She wasn’t leaving me. I didn’t have to be afraid anymore.

And I had this crazy idea that we’d just made a baby.


“What do you mean you’re not coming home with me?”

I crossed my arms, locked in a staring contest with the massive man looming over me. Connor might be big, but I wasn’t intimidated.

I wasn’t backing down.

“Mase is right! I shouldn’t just move in with you- we just met!”

“You love me!”

I sighed. I hadn’t said it yet. And now I had to watch my words because I had a feeling Connor was on the verge of abducting me. Mase would not be so forgiving a second time. He’d come after me.

With reinforcements.

And then all hell would break loose.

“If you meant what you said- about getting married…”

“Yes I fucking meant it!”

“Then we’ll move in after that.”

His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

“Are you kidding? You want me to wait until we are married?”

I nodded. He looked like steam was about to come out of his head.

“That could take weeks!”

“We can still fool around-”

“Christ, Cassie! Sneaking in a little nookie when Mason isn’t looking is not the same and you know it!”

I shrugged.

“I can’t just be at your beck and call. I need to make plans- I was going to apply to college.”

“You can do that at my place.” He cleared his throat. “Our place.”

“I have a job, you are kind of far from The Jar.”

His jaw dropped and this time I did see steam come out of his ears.

“You are not setting foot in that place without me ever again!”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Oh, yes I am.”

He stepped forward until we were almost chest to chest. Or chest to stomach. He was a couple of feet taller than me.

“Oh, no you are not.”

“Don’t be an ass Connor. I said we could still be together.”

“Be together? When?”

“When I have time.”

He moaned and yanked me against him.

“But I need you baby. I need this.”

He kissed me deeply, letting his hands run all over me.

“I’ll give you a BJ if you stop arguing.”

His eyes got really, really big. So did his cock. I giggled and licked my lips, tilting my head to the side, leaning back in his arms.

“You will?”

“Uh huh. One BJ for every day you are patient.”

The poor man looked like he was going to faint. He opened his mouth to speak then he shut it again. Then he opened it again.

“One BJ a day?”

I nodded.

“And other stuff too. But a guaranteed blow job, just for being patient.”

He closed his eyes. Then he opened them and gave me a suspicious look.

“Starting now? And you’ll marry me when it’s all set?”

I smiled, reaching for his pants. Slowly, I lowered myself to my knees and undid his pants. He made a harsh sound of surrender and I knew I had won.

“Starting now.”

I pulled his cock free and bit my lip. He was so big but so delicious. I loved the way the skin of his cock was so silky. I even loved the veins that popped out of it.

He was hard just for me and I loved it.

I pulled his cock into my mouth and started sucking.

“Cass- oh God.”

His hands tangled in my hair. He wasn’t forcing me down onto his cock, he was just encouraging me. Giving pleasure as he took it. I hummed and traced the edge of his tip with my tongue.

His hips jerked and he muttered something about getting religion.

I smiled to myself, cupping his balls as I started to take him deeper, moving my head rhythmically up and down on his long, thick shaft. I gripped the base, twisting my head to the side with each stroke.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic