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He cursed and tore those off too.

Well, not the whole way off. Just open. Enough for him to get at me.

I gasped as his tongue dove into me, no teasing this time. No slow build. He fucked me with his tongue for several minutes and then reared up, stroking his cock.

“Can’t wait.”

He pressed the hot, hard tip against me and fell forward, his weight pressing me down into the bed. My legs came up to wrap around him as he pushed his cock slowly inside me.

As soon as he was all the way in he paused, letting me adjust to his size. We stared at each other for a long moment. He kissed me hard.

Then he went wild.

His hips circled, never pulling out of me more than half way. He punished me with his cock, driving it in harder with each thrust. He didn’t take his time. He picked up speed fast.

“I’m going to come.”

I was close but not close enough. He must have known that because he reached down to strum my clit at the same time that he pulled my nipple into his mouth.

I screamed as the orgasm tore through me, taking me by surprise. I came hard. Almost too hard.

I’d been pretty pent up too.

Conn was grunting and cursing as he flexed his hips out of tempo, convulsing with the force of his orgasm. He shook above me, his hips jerking as I felt his seed hit the back of my womb.

“He didn’t kill anyone! He took the blame for some other guys who were hazing a new recruit!”

We were still in bed, finally talking. Well, I was talking. Conn was kissing me, and touching me. I kept slapping his hands away but he was undeterred.

It was like he couldn’t get enough of me.

Like he didn’t believe I was real.

Or like he was terrified to lose me again.

“Are you even listening to me?”

He nodded, lowering his head to kiss my nipple.

“I believe you, Case.”

His tongue lapped against my breast eagerly as he let his teeth slide over it. He was so fixated on my body, but it was more than that. I knew that now.

The moment I’d seen that raw look in his eyes, I knew.

Even if he didn’t love-love me, he cared. This wasn’t just sex. He needed me.

I took a deep breath. I had to tell him. It was time.


“My name’s not Casey.” She exhaled. “It’s Cassie. Cassandra.”

I stared at her, noticing a single tear spill from her gorgeous blue eyes. I brushed the tear away from her cheek. I smiled, feeling like I’d just won a prize.

The best prize.

“Cassandra. I like it.”

I kissed her softly. She looked so worried. As if I might not like her real name.

“What is your last name?” I smiled tenderly. “I need it for the marriage license.”

She sighed, chewing her lip. I wondered for the thousandth time what she’d been running from. Whatever it was, I would take care of it.

She never had to worry again.

“It’s okay, if you are in trouble we can figure it out together.”

“It’s not that. It’s just that- it’s my parents’ name.” She let out a sad sigh. “And that little girl with a nice family doesn’t exist anymore.”

My heart broke a little, staring at her beautiful face. She was trying to be brave. But it killed me having to see her like this.

“We can get your name changed. You can be whoever you want.” I grinned and pulled her closer. “As long as your last name is DeWitt.”

She laughed breathlessly and nodded.

“Okay. My name was, it is, Cassandra Elliot.”

I kissed her, so grateful that she’d finally given me her trust.

“It’s beautiful. Just like you.” I swallowed over the sudden lump in my throat. “I love you so much, Cassandra Elliot.”

She stared up at me, her big eyes searching mine.

“You do?”

“Of course I do. Didn’t I tell you that?”

“No. You didn’t.”

“Well, I’m a dumbass. I thought you knew how I felt Case- Cassie.”

She blushed.

“No. I didn’t. I thought-“

I pulled her closer, rubbing my cheek against hers. She sighed and I reached down between her thighs, gently toying with her slippery folds. I wanted her again, badly.

“You thought what?”

“Oh… hmmm… I thought- you just-”

I teased her clit and her hips rose.

“I just what…?”

“I thought you just wanted sex.”

I stared at her, my hand still. Then she whimpered and I tapped her clit. Hard. She moaned and I decided that by the time I was done, she would know how I felt.

“Just sex?”

I increased the tempo of my finger. Rapid fire taps on her clit. She started panting, already on edge.

“I want much more than sex.”

I was hard and desperate to get back inside her. I didn’t hold back as I braced my body above hers and guided my fat cock to her perfect pussy.

“I want you in the morning. The middle of the night. I want you when you get old. When you are cranky. I want you to carry my child.”

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic