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He was gasping for breath, moaning incoherently, his hips flexing. Even though we’d had sex twice already it didn’t take long for me to taste the first salty spurt of his come.

“Cass- I’m gonna-”

He howled as I sucked harder, pulling the seed from his cock as he held my head, pumping in and out of it. I relaxed my jaw, slurping and swallowing as jets of come filled my mouth.

I was still sucking when he dropped his hands, his body coming to a halt. I pulled the last few drops from him as he sighed, telling me what a good girl I was.

I helped him put his cock back into his pants, carefully zipping him back up. He seemed too dazed to do it himself. I smiled and stood up, sliding my arms around his waist.

Big strong arms held me close as he kissed the top of my head.

“Jesus woman.”

I smiled into his chest, not surprised that he was quiet. I was surprised at what he said next though.

“I’ll be back. Sit tight. It will take a few days to get the license and everything arranged.” He chucked me under the chin. “We’ll be hitched by Thursday.”

He kissed my lips and winked, leaving me standing in the kitchen with a dumbfounded look on my face.

Did he say Thursday?

I heard his car start, still staring at the kitchen door. He was off and running.

Well, I guess the man knows what he wants.

I was smiling as I wiped up the soapy water and started on the sink.

Connor loved me. Cassandra Elliot and Casey Jones and every version of me in between.

He loved me.


“Did you pick something yet?”

“Conn, we just got here.”

My sister was out with Cassie, getting her a wedding dress. I’d called ahead and told them to hide the price tags. I knew Cass would be squirrely about getting a fancy dress.

And I wanted my angel to have the best for the big day. My sweet, ridiculously sexy, best blowjob giver in the whole world, perfect little angel.

“Well, hurry up! Nothing too sexy but make sure-”

She laughed at me and hung up.

I stared at the phone scowling. Then I shrugged. We still had seven days until the wedding, if all went as planned. I’d hoped for sooner but even with my pull, it took a while to set things up.

Still, that was seven days worth of blowjobs… I groaned and pressed down on my cock. My little angel was torturing me today, texting me to describe how badly she wanted to suck my cock, and how she would do it.

I doubted I’d let her finish like she had yesterday. I wanted the full shebang. But man, the sight of her on her knees with her lips wrapped around my cock had been amazing.

When we were married I decided I’d have to make a similar deal. Maybe if I did the dishes… she’d kiss my dick.

I nodded to myself. Brilliant plan, Conn. Bribe the woman for sexual favors. But fair was fair.

After all, she’d bribed me into waiting.

I was doing everything I could but the wedding was still a week away. I was nose to the grindstone to bring it all together. I’d brought in reinforcements too.

Sheila was helping me get a marriage license. I’d gotten the rings. My mom was setting up the venue, while my sister worked on Cassie.


I shook my head. I was still getting used to that. It suited her though. She’d been smart to pick a fake name that was similar to her own.

You could always tell by the way someone responded when you said their name.

My girl was clever. And then some.

I stared at my laptop, feeling a moment of hesitation. I’d been thinking about this all day. Once I got the wedding stuff rolling, I needed to track down her identity to get Cassie new paperwork. She hadn’t been old enough to know her social.

All I had was a name and the town she was born in.

She’d been through so much. I didn’t want to bother her with this too. I knew it would only bring up painful memories.

I exhaled and typed her name into the system, saying a little prayer.

It was almost instantaneous. A photo of a beautiful girl in industrial lighting. She looked so sad, so lost. But softer. Like the world had just started kicking the shit out of her.

This was the photo they must have taken during intake.

I closed my eyes and opened her file. More photos- these were from before she’d entered the system. A happy normal family. Her mom was beautiful, not surprisingly. And her dad was a big strong guy.

Damn, they looked so happy. Not rich or famous. Just… normal.

And then boom. They go out for date night and never come back. A semi on the highway had gone into a skid, taking their crappy little car with them. If they’d had a bigger car, if the road hadn’t been slick, if the truck driver had driven just a little bit slower… they might have survived.

Tags: Joanna Blake The Untouchables MC Erotic