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“You’re mine,” he said, and plunged in, the sensation so quick and surprising I screamed in pleasure. He drew back out, only to drive home again. “You’re entirely, wholly, mine.”

The words were a primal promise.

A loving declaration.

And as I tugged against the bonds, as I writhed and arched and took more of him in and in and in…I felt empowered. Despite his complete control and claim of my body and soul, I felt desired. Worshiped. Powerful to possess the strength and the trust to submit to someone so wholly in this way.

And for Logan to claim me in the way he did?

It was one of the purest forms of love I’d ever felt. And I knew with it in my heart, I had the capability to see beyond the darkness of my past. To work toward healing those raw traumas. With Logan…with this bond between us… I felt whole in a way I hadn’t in so, so long.

Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes beneath the blindfold as we came together again and again, waves crashing and thrashing in the vast sea of trust and love we’d created. My body trembling for him, shattering for him and him alone. And when he found his own release inside me, as he kissed his way across my body before removing my blindfold, I knew I’d never love anyone more than I loved Logan Ward.

He took note of my tears, but just as easily saw the smile on my lips, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if I glowed for the man. My love was that brilliant, that strong. And after he’d unsecured the ties, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he kissed the happy tears away, whispering his love for me.

I pushed against his chest, rolling him to his back so I could settle atop him.

Seconds. It took seconds for him to be ready for me again.

Apparently, he was in no way done celebrating yet.

And I was more than happy to oblige him.



“Hey!” Delaney grinned and opened her door, ushering me inside. She shut the door, then leaned up and kissed me. “How was work?”

“Hard, but good,” I answered truthfully. Our practice had been grueling, but with game seven of round one tomorrow, it wasn’t like we could afford to slack now. “Is this some new dress code I don’t know about?” I jostled the small package I’d brought with me so I could tug on the tie for her bathrobe.

“I’m still not ready!” She laughed and swatted my hand. “I’m sorry, I know we’re running late. I’ll be ready in just a second!” She dashed toward the bathroom, barefoot, her long, auburn hair swinging behind her. I loved it when she left it down. I also loved it when she pinned it up. Hell, I didn’t care as long as I could get my hands on her.

“Don’t rush. I’m sure the restaurant will hold our reservation,” I told her as she shut the door.

“You don’t know that! Honestly, I’m just finishing my makeup and putting on my dress, and I’ll be ready. And what was that I saw you holding?” She cracked open the door and leaned out just enough so I could see her face.

“It’s for you.” I held out the box and held my breath. After last night, the way her walls had completely come down, I couldn’t wait any longer to tell her the truth. What was in the box was either a timebomb or freedom, depending on how she took it. We’d either self-destruct, or we’d move into the most open, honest relationship I’d ever had.

“You brought me a present?” Her whole face softened.

“I did. Want it?”

She bit her lower lip and then sighed. “If I open that, we’ll be even later. But I really want to open it!”

“Baby, now or later, it will be the same.” I’d delayed the inevitable enough.

“Ugh. Okay. Will you put it on my bed? Then I’ll unwrap it before you unwrap me for the night.” She gave me a wink and disappeared behind the closed door.

I shook my head with a smile, then took it into her bedroom and left it on her bed. It was in her hands now. Either she’d accept all of me, or… God, I couldn’t even fathom the other option. I couldn’t see a life without her.

“Ready?” she asked from behind me, and I turned to see her standing in a classic black wrap dress.

“Damn, you are so beautiful...wait, where are your glasses?”

She laughed and took my hand, pulling me from the bedroom. “I have my contacts in, silly. Now let’s get out of here before I decide we’re not leaving at all.”

Ten minutes later, we were seated in a private room of my favorite upscale steakhouse in Charleston. Sure, I was ready for her to know the truth and ready to take the consequences, but I’d rather it not happen because someone recognized me at dinner.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Carolina Reapers Romance