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“Sorry I made you guys wait. I went to the cemetery and ran into Ian’s mom.”

“We all just woke up,” Dad says, handing me a cup of hot cocoa filled to the brim with marshmallows, while Mom hands RJ to Liza, who immediately goes about giving RJ tons of kisses.

“Did you have a good visit?” Dad asks.

“Yeah, I introduced him to RJ.”

If what I said sounds crazy, nobody mentions it.

“That’s good.” Dad squeezes my shoulder and has a seat next to Liza on the couch.

“I love you.” Mom kisses my cheek then sits next to Liam on the love seat.

I have a seat on the other side of Liza, so I’m close to RJ in case he wakes up hungry.

“Since Micaela is home, can we open presents?” Liam asks, bouncing in his seat.

Since RJ is too young, I didn’t buy him anything. Between the baby shower Lexi and Georgia threw me and my parents spoiling their first grandchild, he has everything he could need, and more. Of course, as I glance at the gifts, I notice his name is on several things. It shouldn’t surprise me, though. My parents, especially my mom, love spoiling us. Christmas is my mom’s favorite holiday and she always goes all out.

“As soon as your grandparents get here,” Mom says.

“Are Grandma and Grandpa Michaels coming over?” Liza asks.

“They’ll be here for New Year’s,” Dad says. “They’re still in Elko visiting your aunt Mackenzie.” Dad’s sister moved to Elko for a job promotion a few years ago, so Grandma and Grandpa bounce back and forth between our family and hers for the different holidays. Since we usually go to Breckenridge for Christmas, we’re usually all together, but I couldn’t go this year, so they went to her house thinking I wouldn’t give birth until afterward, only RJ came early. I’ve been texting them pictures every day, and Grandma Hayley is dying to finally meet RJ.

“Is Uncle Nathan in town?” Liza asks, referring to Mom’s brother.

“Nope,” Mom says. “He’s still traveling all over the globe.” She rolls her eyes playfully. Uncle Nathan created an app and sold it to some company for a bunch of money. It set him up for life, and instead of using it to start a career, he’s been traveling all over the world having the time of his life.

“But Aunt Lilly and Uncle Sean will be at your grandparents’ for dinner,” Mom adds.

“Yes!” Liam says. “I can’t wait to show Shane my new games.” Shane is Aunt Lilly and Uncle Sean’s son. He and Liam are only six months apart and best friends. Both total gaming nerds.

“Who said you’re getting any games?” Dad laughs.

“Because I asked Santa for them, and I was totally good this year.” Liam shrugs like it’s a given he’ll be getting what he asked for.

“Define good,” Dad says, leaning over and ruffling Liam’s hair.

“Merry Christmas!” Grandpa says, walking through the door with Grandma following behind. They’re carrying stacks of presents. Dad stands and grabs them from them, setting them on the table.

The adults talk and catch up for a few minutes, so I take a moment to text Ryan Merry Christmas. I include a picture of RJ in his adorable Christmas pajamas that I took earlier this morning when I put them on him. We discussed him coming over after he spends the morning with his family. His sisters both have kids and Bentley makes breakfast every year. I bought RJ this super cute Santa outfit and want to get some pictures of him under the tree later. It’s crazy this is his first Christmas. Not that he’ll even remember it, but I want to still have photographic proof of it for him to look at when he’s older. Ryan texts back Merry Christmas and says he’ll be over when they’re done there.

The morning is spent with everyone opening their gifts—Liam, of course, got all the games he asked for. Liza got tons of clothes and shoes and makeup and her first cell phone since she’s now in high school. Mom and Dad got me a gift card to the baby store and a gift certificate to the spa. Everyone got RJ cute clothes and toys. My brother, sister, and I all pitched in and paid for our parents to go on a cruise—since none of us are working, Grandma and Grandpa pitched in as well.

After opening presents and having breakfast, Ryan shows up carrying a single wrapped present under his arm.

“For you,” he says, setting it on the table and taking RJ from me.

I wasn’t sure if we would be exchanging gifts, but I wanted to give him something. Because we’re at this weird impasse-slash-standstill right now, I wasn’t sure what to get him. I mean, he asked me to marry him, so I know he wants us to be more than friends, but he’s leaving in less than a week, so we’re not together—but we have RJ. So I wanted to give him something that’s meaningful, but isn’t too personal. And I think I found the perfect gift.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance