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Kit: You hate the word that much?

Piper: You know what I mean.

Kit: I've had that affect on women before. I'm used to it.

Piper: Are you going to tell me what to wear now?

Kit: No.

Piper: But you want to.

Kit: Yes.

Piper: I appreciate that you respect me enough to bite your tongue.

Kit: Nothing to do with respect. If I tell you to do something, you'll do the opposite.

Piper: I will not.

Kit: Yeah, you will. So go naked at your next Bikram class.

Piper: Maybe I will.

Kit: Maybe I'll ask you to take a pic to prove it.

Piper: Last I heard, that's tacky.

Kit: It is.

Piper: So?

Kit: I'm a rock star. I'm allowed to be tacky. Don't go to your class naked. You'll get arrested.

Piper: Noted.

Kit: Still don't like thinking about some guy staring at your ass while you're in downward dog.

Piper: Will it make you feel better knowing my class is mostly women?

Kit: Yeah.

Piper: It is.

Kit: Good.

I lay the phone on my chest and lie back on the deck. The sun is warm on my skin, but that isn't why I feel hot. It's not the flush I worked up in my yoga class either.

It's Kit.

He's protective of me.

Possessive even.

And not in a she's my friend's baby sister way.

In a much, much more exciting kind of way.

My post-Bikram selfie starts a beautiful chain reaction. Kit starts sending pictures. We share the little moments that highlight our days.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Inked Hearts Romance