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"Yes, some people are cynical tech CEOs who have too much money to appreciate little things like gorgeous views and perfect snowfalls," I say.

His lips curl into a smile. "It would be awful to know someone like that."

"Truly awful."

I toss him the snowball and he catches it. He stares at it like it fascinates him. Was his childhood really so awful he never got into snowball fights? A pang hits my chest. He's had such a hard life. It's a miracle that he's ever happy.

"Don't go feeling sorry for me, Kat. I'm the happiest man alive."


He moves closer. "Every day, I get to see the world through your eyes." He leans down to press his lips into mine. "Every day, I get to wake up next to you."

"Is it really that great?"

"Better." He holds the snowball over my head. Then he smashes it on my hat. "And I always win."

Oh, it's a snowball fight he wants, it's a snowball fight he'll get. "Not this time."

I lean down to pack another snowball. Blake moves fast. He darts to the door behind the stairs, no doubt packing an armory.

I get busy making snowballs and carry them around in my hat. I move as quietly as I can, but I can't manage to sneak up on him. He darts to the open area and hurls a snowball at me.

It smacks my chest with a light impact. I squeal in delight. It's been years since I've done this.

I launch a snowball at Blake. He dodges it. But he's not lucky for long. My next throw hits him right in the chest. His neat wool coat isn't so neat anymore.

He laughs. Still the best sound I've ever heard. Still makes me feel warm all over.

We get lost in our snowball fight, racing around the roof and pelting each other. When I'm out of snowballs, Blake tackle-hugs me to the ground. There's enough soft snow that it doesn't hurt.

He kisses me, his tongue sliding into my mouth, his body sinking into mine. That warmth turns to a desperate, coursing heat. Even with my head pressed against the snow, I'm burning up.

When our kiss breaks, I stare straight into his eyes. They used to be impenetrable. But I've learned how to read them.

And they're just as filled with desire as I am.

"Let's call it a draw," I say.

"Rematch soon." He pushes himself to his feet and helps me up. He brings his mouth to my ear. "I hope you won't miss the snow."

"It's going to be freezing until March. Always is."

Blake leads me to the staircase. "Not in St. Barts."

I turn to look at him. "What do you mean, not in St. Barts? I've seen your work calendar and there's no St. Barts on it."

He shakes his head. "We're leaving Friday and we'll be there for two weeks."

"But Lizzy will be alone for New Year's."

"It was her idea," Blake says.

"Was it her idea to leave us alone tonight?"

He nods.

"But last time I mentioned vacation you said that a three-day weekend was the best you could do. That Sterling Tech would fall without your capable hands at the wheel."

Thoughts of sun and sand dance around my brain as we climb back to the penthouse floor. Blake watches me the whole time, smiling like he's sure he's got me exactly where he wants me.

He unlocks all three locks to our apartment. "I'd rather have my capable hands on you."

All of a sudden, I'm scorching hot.

"But what if the company falls without you?" I ask.

"Then it falls. You're more important."

"Say it again."

Blake rubs my arms. His hands stop at my shoulders and he looks me in the eyes. "You're more important than anything, Kat. Even my company."

"Even…" I hold his gaze. "Does this mean you'll be here tomorrow?"

"You'll have your answer in two minutes." He points to the bedroom. "Follow me."

Chapter 9

December 25th, Christmas

According to the clock on the microwave, it's 12:05. I'm so anxious waiting for Blake's answer that it registers slowly. It's Christmas.

He pulls me into the bedroom. Not the sex room/extra guest room but the bedroom where we sleep every night.

It's transformed, decked in holiday adornments that are very, very Blake. Red silk sheets. A plush striped comforter. String lights hanging from the walls.

And mistletoe right on top of the headboard.

Blake enters holding a neatly wrapped present. It's about the size of a shoe box. Shiny red paper. Soft white bow.

"But," I take a deep breath, "you hate Christmas. You can't put it in your bedroom if you hate it."

I turn and stare into his eyes. They're soft. Like he's happy.

"You were right. Running away didn't help. It only gave my father power over me." His expression softens. "It's terrifying, but I have to face those memories if I want to move on. I do want that, Kat. I want to share all my life with you. Even the parts that hurt."

"Every single part?"

He nods. "You really have no idea what you do to me."

"How could I do anything to you?"

"You've given me the world."

What? If anything, he's given me the world. I shake my head. "But you're—"


I nod.

"There's more to the world than money." He runs his fingers over my cheek. "Before we met, I spent all my time in my office. I was so desperate to stay in control that I wasn't open to anything that wasn't my way. But you…you've showed me how beautiful the world can be. You've forced me to open myself to that."

I swallow hard.

"Do you remember when we went to Paris?"

"Of course. We spent more time in the hotel than out of it."

"True." He smiles. "It wasn't the first time I'd been to Paris, but it was the first time I enjoyed it."

"Because we were—"

"No, Kat, though I adored the part in the hotel room. It was because it the first time the city seemed beautiful."

"But, it's Paris. How could it not be beautiful?"

He pulls me close. "How did I get so lucky to have you?"

"But it is beautiful. How could you see it otherwise?"

He offers no explanation. He doesn't have to. I remember the Blake I met last spring. The world was something for him to control. He didn't see it as beautiful. He didn't see it at all.

Blake steps back. "I have

a present for you."

"Those are supposed to wait until tomorrow."

"You won't want to open this one in front of your sister." He pulls a wrapped box out of the dresser and hands it to me.

I unwrap it slowly. It's an unmarked box. Inside is a sleek velvet pouch. I study Blake for a clue. His expression is demanding—the look he gets when it's time for him to take control.

My breath strains. My hands are totally unsteady as I open the pouch. It's a vibrator. Heavy. Silver.

Oh my God. It's actual silver. Sterling silver. I almost laugh. Blake Sterling bought me a sterling silver vibrator.

It must have cost a fortune.

His eyes find mine. "Don't worry about the price." He shifts into the arm chair across from the bed. "The show I'm about to get is worth every penny."

Tension builds between my legs. He wants to watch me. We've never done that, not like this.

"Put it on the bed," he says.

I hesitate.

"Kat, do you want to do this?"

Hell yes. I nod.

"Good. Now set the vibrator on the bed."

I do.

Blake's eyes are glued to mine. "Take off your sweater. And your jeans."

I shimmy out of my clothes. I'm wearing nothing but a tank top over the peekabo red bra and panty set.

Blake's eyes scan my body. They stop at my chest and my crotch. Seems that my present to myself is working just as well on him.

His breath hitches, but he stays planted firmly in the chair. "Take off the top."

I pull it over my head. His eyes go wide. He's looking at me like he wants to consume me, like the sight of me is enough to take him all the way to the edge.

His gaze goes to my bra. "Did you buy that today?"


"I like it."

"Thank you."

"Turn around, so I can get a better look."

I turn slowly. My cheeks flush. A hint of nervousness rises up in my chest. Then Blake groans and it all melts away. I'm not nervous or shy or anything but desperate to reveal myself to him.

Whatever he wants to see.

Back to my original position, my eyes meet his.

Heat passes through me, collecting between my legs.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dirty Rich Erotic