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“You secured a contract with the royal guard.” He gave her a fake smile, watching her with hard, condescending eyes. “Congratulations. Your powers of…persuasion…were apparently very strong, because the king himself approved the contract just this morning, and ignored all competing offers from other companies.”

Over the past few days, they’d spoken of Baker, and all the things the company could do for him, but they hadn’t settled on a number, or a yes. And she certainly didn’t appreciate Harry insinuation that she’d been given the deal because she’d slept with Leo. “But—”

He held his hand up, giving her an annoyed look. “I’m not finished yet. The king also thanks you for staying and wants you to consider the Baker contract to be a token of his appreciation for all you’ve done for him.”


Leo just dismissed her like last night’s leftovers, after literally paying her off, and she was just supposed to fall in line and leave like a good little girl, now that he’d had her one more time. She should have known it would end like this.

Silly her, for expecting a proper good-bye.

For expecting him not to break her heart again.

“You can tell him he can shove the contract up his—never mind.” She scowled at the offensive man in front of her. Behind her, the workers zipped up her suitcase, apparently having finished packing. “I don’t want it.”

“It’s already done. Your bosses have been info

rmed, and so have the competitors.” He opened the door, glancing over his shoulder to gesture someone forward. “And your time here is, too. Go back to Harlem, Ms. Forkes. It’s where people like you belong.”

“Wow. You’re a real asshole, Harry.” She fisted her hands at her sides. “I’m going, but no one speaks to me like that. Does Leo know you talk to his guests that way?”

The man flinched.

“If his advisors are like you, I worry about him and the future of his country.”

He had the nerve to roll his eyes at her.


Randovia wasn’t her problem…and neither was Leo.

Men came in and grabbed her bags, and she watched with wide eyes, heart pounding against her ribs, unable to believe that just like that, as quickly as she’d been brought here against her will…she was being forced out.

“Look at it this way. You might not be living in the lap of luxury in the palace anymore”—he smirked, chuckling under his breath—“but at least you’re not living in your car and showering in school locker rooms anymore.”

“Yeah. You’re absolutely right. But I’d rather be there, in my car, then stay in your company for another second.” She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Gripping the leather strap tight, she gave him a falsely sweet smile. “And no matter what happens when I leave here, one thing won’t ever change.”

“What might that be?” he asked, his tone bored.

“The fact that you’re an asshole.” She brushed past him, hitting him with her shoulder. “And always will be.”

“Better an asshole in a castle, than a street rat in fancy clothes.”

She kept walking, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

His soft laughter haunted her, even after she walked far enough away from him that she couldn’t hear it. Following her luggage down the stairs, she gripped the banister tightly, staring straight ahead and taking calming breaths because if she didn’t…

She’d freaking snap.

It wasn’t until she was halfway out the door that she realized that awful man back in her room had known things, things she’d only ever written to Leo in letters he had supposedly never received. Things that weren’t easily found through searches on her history. She spun on her heel and stared at the asshat who was, quite literally, pushing her out the door.

“How do you know about me living in a car and showering in locker rooms?”

He straightened and smirked. “The king told me about it.”

“When?” she asked, her heart ceasing pounding because she already knew the answer to her question, just like she already knew she wouldn’t like it. “I didn’t mention—”

“A few years ago, he read your letters to me over a mug of ale one night, for laughs,” Harry said slowly, cutting her off again. “He left you standing at La Guardia, waiting for him to come rescue you at five o’clock at night, if I recall correctly.”

Tags: Diane Alberts Modern Fairytales Romance