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He caught her chin and didn’t let go. “I’m not asking for a second chance. Because we’re adults now, different from the kids we were back then. I’m asking for a new chance, as the people we are now.”

She remained silent, watching him.

What he said made perfect sense, and that’s what terrified her.

“All I’m asking for is an opportunity to prove you can trust the man I am now, even though the boy I was then let you down.” He smiled, running his thumb down the hard line of her jaw. His soft touch made her shiver and sent a warmth through her heart that she couldn’t deny. “I want to show you my country, the way we’d planned, and let you see why I love it as much as I do. I want you to love it, too. And most importantly? I want to be your friend, Alicia. I think we could both use one of those.”

She licked her lips, opening her mouth then shutting it. There were so many reasons she should say no, and so many reasons to tell him to take his offer of friendship and stick it where the sun didn’t shine. But he was watching her with soft blue eyes, and he looked so freaking lonely, so very vulnerable, that instead of saying what she should, she listened to her screaming heart instead.

“Okay. I’ll be your friend, Leo, but that’s it.”

A grin spread on his face, and he picked up his spoon, too, looking at her like it was only a matter of time until that friendship became something else entirely…something that involved no clothing, a bed, and lots of pleasure. “You won’t regret this.”

Funny. She already did.

He was going to hurt her and damn if she wasn’t going to let him. Because this fantasy friendship was just that, and nothing would change the fact that they were two people from completely different worlds. He had to marry a princess, and she had a life to get back to in New York.

She stuck another spoon of ice cream in her mouth. You’re probably laughing up there, aren’t you, Brian? He’s totally going to break my heart—again.

One more thing to check off the bucket list.

Chapter Eleven

The next day, Leo knocked on Alicia’s bedroom door at precisely two o’clock in the afternoon. His heart pounded hard against his ribs when he heard her footsteps approaching the door. He tugged on his sleeves to make sure they were perfectly even, and readjusted his tie.

Nothing but the best for Alicia.

The door swung open, and there she was, fucking beautiful in her light pink dress, like usual. “Oh. Hi.” Smiling, she asked, “Can I help you?”

He gave her a long look that hopefully told her he saw right through her nonchalance. Leaning on the doorjamb, he crossed his arms. “I’m here to take you on an another adventure.”

She let out a small laugh. “What kind?”

“One that needs sneakers along with that pretty dress you’re wearing.” His gaze slid down her body, and everywhere he glanced looked even better than the first time he’d checked her out. “And, damn, Alicia. That’s a pretty amazing dress.”

She bit down on her lip, and he’d bet his kingdom that in her mind she was back in that hallway with his hands running over her body, and that she wanted to be there again—but was too scared to actually do it. “Thanks,” she said simply.


“Uh…” She nodded once, grabbed her purse, and started out the door. He followed her, placing one hand on her lower back. She glanced at him, licked her lips, and asked, “Where are we going?”

He smiled. “You know I’m not going to tell you that.”

“Of course not.” She shook her head. “You’re having way too much fun with this.”

“And yet you accused me of having forgotten what fun was.”

She laughed. “True.”

“Turns out, I remember.” He led her down the stairs, smiling at a maid as they passed. “Any time I get to spend with you is fun.”

She cleared her throat. “How’s your father?” she blurted. “Is he still in Greece?”

That was what the phone call at the ice cream parlor had been about. His father had been called away on business.

“Yes.” He side-eyed her, aware of her attempt to change the topic to a safer subject. “He’s in heaven right now.”

“How so?” she asked quickly.

Tags: Diane Alberts Modern Fairytales Romance