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The man glanced over her shoulder, presumably at Leo, and then nodded.

She gritted her teeth.

Leo came up behind her and gripped her elbow. “Alicia—”

“Let go of me.” She snatched her arm back. “And go to hell while you’re at it.”

Everyone around them gasped.

A guard stepped forward, but Leo held up a hand, halting him immediately. Jaw clenched, he bowed. “As you wish, my lady.”

And then he shut the door in her face.

Chapter Seven

Three days.

Three long, agonizing, slow, torturous days.

That was how long Alicia had been in his


Once, zero, zilch, nada.

That’s how many times he’d seen her since her arrival.

Every day he sent her an invitation to join him for supper. Every day the servant he sent returned with downcast eyes and a whispered refusal. He got it. He was an asshole for detaining her. He deserved every ounce of her anger and her hatred and whatever else she wanted to throw at him, but he’d expected her to actually give it to him.

Not hide in her room for her whole stay.

That wasn’t supposed to be her style—and it sure as hell wasn’t his.

He was a man of actions, not words, and not being able to communicate with her, or even see her, certainly wasn’t helping his cause…or his guilt over this whole situation.

He’d done enough thinking to last a damn lifetime.

It was time for some fucking action.

He lowered his fist, glowering at the door.

For two minutes now, he’d been standing outside her bedroom, trying to think of the perfect thing to say when that door swung open, but the words wouldn’t come. As the prince, he had to know how to sway the conversation his way with his eyes closed, half asleep, while handcuffed. He could win any argument, anywhere.

It was his job.

But with Alicia, he managed to mess up every single encounter.

Ever since he delivered her suitcases to her room, Harry kept making snide remarks about her hiding out, saying the castle was better off without her roaming around Americanizing everything, but the truth was the country could use a little bit of Americanizing. Harry was just too much of a disapproving snob to see it, and Leo had already started searching for a new aide.

He didn’t need that condescending shit in his office.

Lifting his fist again, he knocked on the door three times. She was here, and he wanted to spend time with her. If that made him an asshole, so be it. He was a fucking prince. He preferred to face his problems, no matter how rough they might be, head on.

Alicia was the most beautiful problem he’d ever had.

The guard he’d sent away earlier came around the corner, saw him still standing there and backed up slowly at the same time as the door swung open.

“Please tell him I’m not interested in his stupid dinn—” The second she saw who stood outside, she cut herself off. “Go away.”

Tags: Diane Alberts Modern Fairytales Romance