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“Good luck, buddy.” Elijah chuckled as he backed away from the car, watching as Graham opened the driver’s-side door.

“I’ll need it,” Graham called back as he slid into the low seat and started the motor.

“Can we put the top down?” Lyrica asked, her fingers moving immediately for the radio and flipping it on as she pushed the volume up.

Way up.

He blinked over at her, completely taken aback by the cheerful smile and steady regard. He was so surprised that she was able to find and press the hardtop control before he realized what she was doing. Glancing up to see the top halfway folded back, he wondered if there was any way in hell he was going to survive the night.

As the roof settled into place, she sat back in her seat, buckled her seat belt, and threw him another smile. “I told Dawg if he sent you after me then I was staying the night with you. Did he mention that?”

God love her brother’s heart. Maybe the man knew what the hell he was doing after all.

“He mentioned something about staying with Kye,” he admitted.

“Hmm.” Lifting one hand, she studied her nails for a second. “Did you mention Kye wasn’t home this weekend?”

“Did I mention I wasn’t staying after I dropped you off?” he asked. An empty threat. He’d never leave her at his home alone. He rather liked his house standing just as it was.

“Awesome!” She threw out a perfectly modulated teenage exclamation of pleasure. “The house to myself. Tell me, how hard will you spank me when you come home to find guests in your bed?”

Like hell. “Guests?” he growled.

The smile she gave him was pure intended retribution. “Guests, love. Old man Henner’s bluetick hound dogs. All twelve of them. I’m certain they’ll just love that big bed bimbo number six couldn’t say enough about.”

Training was an amazing thing. It kept him from wincing at the insulting disgust in her voice.

Vindictive little wretch.

He was damned glad he’d worn his jacket as he turned on the seat heater and amped the temperature higher to compensate for the open top.

Pulling out of the parking spot, he continued to ignore the threat next to him, gave in to the hard throb of the vehicle’s motor, and accelerated quickly.

She was silent as he drove along the narrow lane, fiddling with the satellite radio stations before settling on a channel belting out R&B music. As he turned the volume down to a seductive level, he was aware of her turning in her seat so she could watch him assessingly.

“Kye should have been home by now,” she stated as he pulled onto the main road.

“She’ll be there sometime tonight. She didn’t say when.”

Kye had spent the past three weeks in California with their aunt and uncle, under duress. Her aunt pulled the guilt trip from hell to get her there. She’d flown home the second she was able to get away. Her mother’s sister, as Kye called her, was a manipulating pain in the ass.

“I’ll call her when she gets home. You can drop me off at my apartment instead of Dawg’s tonight. I’ll harass him in the morning.”

The statement had him glancing at her. “What apartment? I thought you moved back in with your mother.”

“My, aren’t you out of the loop,” she drawled in a voice that some men would mistake as a promise.

Graham knew better. He knew her well enough to detect the anger in her tone.

“It would seem so,” he grunted. “Dawg didn’t mention an apartment. He just said you were threatening to spend the night with Kye if he sent me after you.”

“Actually, the exact wording was, ‘Send him and I’ll sleep with him.’ Evidently he didn’t take the warning to heart. Does he not know you’re looking for the next flavor of the month?”

Lifting his arm to rest on the edge of the open window, Graham rubbed at the side of his face, the rasp of the short beard covering his jaw reminding him of more than the fact that he hadn’t shaved.

“I probably haven’t mentioned it to him,” he murmured, wondering how fast he could get his tongue down her throat and his fingers buried in her pussy if he pulled the car over to the side of the road somewhere.

She’d protest at first. He knew her. Contrary little minx that she was, she wouldn’t give in easily after the way they’d been interrupted during that snowstorm.

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