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“You just had a break-in. I’m installing my security system. See? Great advertising.” He sidestepped her, bent down and connected a few wires. “All set. Let me walk you through it.”

Elena had been bulldozed and she obviously wasn’t going to win this argument. And she did need an alarm system. Why not take the gift that was offered? It was a win-win for both of them, right?

He showed her how to use the system, then asked her to enter a code. Once she did, they locked everything up from the outside, and she opened the door without entering the code. In fifteen seconds an earsplitting alarm blared, much louder than the one she had previously. Her cell phone rang within a few seconds.

Jed took her phone and completed the testing with the alarm company, then handed her phone back to her.

“You’re set. This one won’t fail. It has two backup systems, so if someone manages to cut through the main lines, the backup will kick in and automatically trip the alarm. Sirens will go off, alarm company will be dialed. You don’t verify that it was an accidental trip of the alarm, the police will be on their way within two minutes.”

“Wow. Awesome. I’ll take it.”

His grin was like a little boy with a new toy. “Thought you might like it.”

“You’re very good at this.”

“Thanks.” He put away his tools. “When are you reopening?”


“I talked to the police. There’ve been a rash of burglaries for the past few weeks. Fast smash and runs. They’ve had to beef up security in the area, but with the rally in town, they’re short staffed.”

“That’s bad for business owners, but should be good for your business. I’ll be sure to pass your name around. I’m sure there are several who need to beef up their alarm systems.”

“You don’t have to do that, but thanks.”

She laid her hand on his arm. “Actually, our local business owners association meeting is tonight. You should come as my guest. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

“That’d be great. Sure you don’t mind leaving your place unattended?”

“I have to admit it worries me, but it’s a good opportunity to test out your new security system, isn’t it?”

“Thanks for the show of faith. I guarantee you it’ll work. Plus, unless they’re morons, burglars don’t tend to hit the same place twice in a row. I think you’re safe.”

“Good to know. Cocktail hour is at six-thirty, so I’ll pick you up this time, say around six?”

“I’ll be out front waiting. I’ll even take a shower,” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Ha ha. Everyone will appreciate that, I’m sure.”

He packed up his tools and took off, and sweaty or not, she couldn’t help appreciating how mighty fine he filled out a pair of jeans.

This guy was too good to be true. She wished her mom was around to meet him. Flighty she might be, but she could read people and was always a good judge of someone’s character. She knew when a guy was full of shit and who had a hidden agenda. Elena had lost a lot of prospective boyfriends that way, but her mother was usually dead on in her assessments. She might not remember what day of the week it was, or forget that she and Elena had a lunch date, but she knew people.

She grabbed her cell phone and dialed her mother’s number. It rang a few times and went to voice mail.

“Hey, Mom, it’s Elena again. Just wondering where you are. The bike rally is this week so I thought maybe you’d be around for that. Call me. Or stop by.” She hesitated before adding, “I love you.”

She and her mom weren’t exactly close. Her mother frustrated her more often than not. She could always count on her showing up, usually when she didn’t want her to.

But she always showed up.

She was starting to get worried.

* * *

Jed took a shower, then threw on a pair of shorts and checked on Elena’s shop and house via the monitors he’d set up when Elena hadn’t been looking. It hadn’t been hard to sneak up to her place and get everything installed. Breaking and entering was his specialty, and now that he had his own alarm system on her property, even easier.

Everything was locked up tight, nobody skulking around. He felt better about having his eyes on her shop and her house.

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