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“Which way do you prefer?” His voice was husky. Wild.

“This. ” Her fingers tightened on her nipples until it felt like teeth were nipping the tight buds, causing her lips to part helplessly with pleasure.

A move Mac took full advantage of. With his gaze still on her trapped nipples, the head of his cock sank into her mouth.

Keiley moaned as she heard Mac’s guttural growl. Her lips closed on the head of his erection and sucked with delicate greed as she pinched and caressed her own nipples.

She stared up at Mac, watching his expression tighten, the hard, hungry grimace on his face as he held her in place and pulled back, removing his cock from her possession.

She licked her lips, pursed them, and blew over the damp head.

And she watched the control he was relying on so heavily break. But it didn’t break in any way that she had expected. She expected him to fall upon her in desperate need. To spread her thighs and fuck her like the conqueror she could see glittering in his eyes.

When Mac’s control broke, though, it revealed more than a conquering sex god. It revealed the man who knew how to love.

He pulled her quickly to her feet, his hand once again shackling her wrists behind her back, his head lowering, his lips covering one hard, exquisitely sensitized nipple.

He didn’t just suck it into his mouth. His teeth scraped, nipped, his tongue swirled and licked as he held her before him. Each caress was diabolically laid, performed and practiced with sensual precision. His free hand, calloused fingertips flat against her flesh, smoothed down her abdomen and tucked between her thighs.

Before Keiley could catch her breath or gather herself for the coming thrust, two of Mac’s fingers began to work slowly, gently, inside the wet, hot depths of her core.

“You like that,” he groaned, his head lifting as she arched in his arms.

“Yes. ” She writhed on his fingers. “Oh God, yes. ”

“My fingers fucking inside you, caressing you. ” His words followed suit, his fingertips curling, caressing with devastating results while he held her practically immobile with his hard body and restraining hand.

Rapid-fire bursts of pleasure exploding inside her body as Mac bent her over his arm, his lips lowering to play with her nipples again as his fingers moved inside her, stroking deep, caressing her, burning through her mind.

There were other things burning inside her as well. The fierce, blazing heat was followed by the knowledge that something wild, something untamed, was growing as well. Despite his gentleness, his emotion, she was burning higher.

She had once been content to let Mac direct their lovemaking; now she strained against him, needing to establish her own dominance.

He chuckled at the movements, ignoring her harsh cry as his fingers slid from between her thighs while he deftly turned her, bending her over the high mattress of the bed.

“Now, this is a pretty sight. ” His hand caressed over the rounded curve of her buttocks, stroking them, causing her to shudder at the submission of her position.

“You’re a pervert,” she accused breathlessly.

“Oh darlin’, you have no clue,” he murmured, his roughened voice stroking over her senses as she bucked against him.

Keiley could feel the familiar, blistering heat surrounding her as Mac’s hand cupped beneath her thigh, lifting her leg until her foot was braced on the wooden frame of the high bed before she felt his cock pressing against the hot, wet folds of her sex.

“This is the sweetest pussy in the world,” he groaned behind her as she caught her breath at the pleasure.

He was stretching her, working inside her with slow, heavy movements that had her crying out his name.

“Do you like this, Kei?” Bending over her, his lips moved to her ear as his erection pressed deeper inside her. “Do you feel how tight and hot your pussy is around me? How sweet and wet you are?”

She could feel. She could feel every inch of his cock throbbing inside her, stretching her. The broad head parted her flesh, making way for the heavy stalk behind it to fill her. And she could do nothing to hurry him along.

The sheer impact of the submissive position combined with the powerful strength behind her shouldn’t have made her hotter. It did, though. She could feel her juices gathering and flowing, slickening her, easing his way as he drew back until only the broad crest remained within her grip.

A second later he plunged inside her.

Keiley arched, crying out his name, trying to writhe beneath him as the incredible pleasure threatened to explode inside her. She wanted it to explode inside her. The knot of tension gathering in her womb was agonizing, the pleasure of it building until it bordered on pain, until the need to orgasm was ripping through her mind.

“God, I love fucking you,” Mac whispered at her ear. “Feeling you tighten on my dick, your pussy sucking it inside you and rippling around it like the tightest fist. ”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic