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His voice was harsh and

guttural, his hands less than gentle as he held her, his hips gathering speed, gathering in power. His cock plunged inside her, worked through the snug tissue, stroked and caressed, burning her with the strength of his passion as her own burned inside her.

She couldn’t handle it. She felt stretched until pleasure and pain combined, until the need for release had her hands fisting in the blankets beneath her.

“Mac, please,” she panted, barely able to breathe.

He was moving deeper now, harder, his breathing a dark rasp behind her as she felt her womb begin to ripple with the warning tremors of orgasm.

“So sweet and hot,” he groaned again, pumping faster. “So tight and sweet. ”

Heat surrounded her, pulsed through and around her.

“I love fucking you,” he groaned. “I dream of fucking you. I ache when I’m not fucking you. ”

She was crying out for him now, incoherent, lost in a world that centered on his thrusts inside her, his fingers sliding over her hip and delving between her thighs.

The swollen bud of her clit pulsed and throbbed as his fingers surrounded it, welcoming the touch as perspiration soaked her flesh and the demand for release pulsed in her veins.

His fingers stroked, his cock thrust, and within seconds Keiley felt the burn begin exploding throughout her body. First in her clit. An exquisite burning sensation erupted in the tight knot of nerve endings and tore her mind from her body. It echoed into her womb, then into her vagina, then throughout her body as a harder, deeper explosion ripped through her.

She bucked beneath him, trying to scream, trying to escape the intensity, the power of her orgasm until the violence of her pleasure ripped through her mind and sent her senses spinning. Flying. She was flying, lifted and flung into a world of kaleidoscope colors and an ecstasy she never grew used to.

Dimly, she felt the last hard thrusts slam through her before Mac poured his release inside her with a shattered male groan and the feel of his teeth at her shoulder. They were both shaking, shuddering, fighting to find their breath and their senses as he surrounded her with his arms and pulled her fully up onto the bed before stretching out next to her.


Keiley drifted in a haze of pleasure, pushing back the niggling little reminder that they had indeed been alone.

“It’s not the same now, is it?” he whispered against her ear, satisfaction and dark knowledge filling his voice. “You know the difference. You feel it. And you miss it. ”

Her eyes opened, her gaze immediately caught by the wooden panels that covered the hole left by the shattering of the French doors.

“I can live without it. ” Her voice was quiet, reflective. Because she had heard those same words from Mac before they ever left Virginia.

What were they going to do when Jethro left? He couldn’t stay forever. He had a life, his own interests, and one day he would fall in love himself. Where would that leave her then?

“It’s different,” she finally said, her voice low, thoughtful. “But I couldn’t do this again. ” She knew that with a certainty. “When Jethro’s gone, it will be over. ”

She expected an argument. Instead, she felt the smile on his lips that were pressed against her shoulder.

“When Jethro leaves, it will be over,” he agreed.

Keiley rolled over, staring into his eyes with a frown. “I’m serious, Mac. ”

“I know you are, Keiley. ” He cupped her cheek with his palm. “I never imagined or considered sharing you with anyone else. And I never will. ”

“Why Jethro?”

He shook his head. “Because he suits us both,” he finally said.

And that was all she was going to get out of him. He was so damned closemouthed about this that she felt as if she were walking through shadows alone, feeling her way through this strange new relationship.

“I love you, Mac,” she said as she turned and rose from the bed before turning to stare back at him. “I love you more than my own life, but you’re starting to worry me. ”

“How am I worrying you, Kei?” He turned on his back, lusciously nude, powerfully sensual, that arrogant quirk on his lips drawing a frown between her brows.

“Because you’re playing games. ” She leaned forward, placed her palms on the bed, and stared him straight in the eyes. “It won’t take me long to catch on to this new side you’re showing, husband mine. And once I figure it out, this sexy little battle you’re starting will even out. I promise you that. ”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic