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“Mac, please—,” she whispered, realizing that he was heavily aroused.

She could feel it. Smell it. She was weakened by it.

“No!” She couldn’t. Not again. She couldn’t let the insidious emotions creeping inside her take room. And they would. One more instance of her husband allowing another man to take her and she would lose the battle she could feel beginning inside her.

“Just no?” he whispered at her ear, his voice and his hold so gentle it sapped her strength.

She could feel him behind her, thick and hard, pressing against her buttocks as his lips caressed her neck with heated demand.

Her eyes closed as the need began to overwhelm her. Feeling Mac lift her, cradling her in his arms as he moved up the stairs.

“You promised,” she whispered into his neck.

“To love you, protect you,” he murmured. “Do you really want me to let you go, Kei?”

He gently laid her on the bed seconds later, but as her frantic gaze moved over his shoulder, she didn’t see Jethro. She didn’t see the dark visage of the man whose eyes haunted her with shadows.

At least she knew some of Mac’s demons. Parts of the brutality of his past. She had lived long enough in Scotland Neck that what Mac hadn’t told her, others had.

She knew his pain. She knew his need for comfort when the demons rose within him. Jethro’s struck her deeper, harder, for the very fact that she knew so little about him.

“What are we doing to our marriage, Mac?” But she wasn’t moving, she wasn’t attempting to escape. Instead, she watched in rapt attention as he quickly undressed.

“Making it deeper, Kei, stronger,” he whispered sensually, suddenly stilling and staring back at her silently as she gripped the hem of her shirt and jerked it over her head.

She needed him. She needed her husband. She needed to know that the desire was just as sharp—no, sharper, hotter—than it had been with Jethro. She needed to know she wasn’t losing the dreams she had woven around them, that she wasn’t losing the man she loved.

As he watched her, she felt the hunger rise inside her, hotter, stronger. She scooted to the edge of the bed, her legs draping over it as her fingers went to the snap and zipper of her shorts.

“You’re falling behind, Mac,” she breathed out imperatively as she glanced at the erection straining beneath the fly of his jeans.

She was skimming the shorts down her legs and dropping to her knees in front of him as he tore the belt loose. Brushing his fingers aside with frantic need, she tugged at the metal clasp, then eased the zipper down.

The material smoothed down his legs along with his underwear, leaving the thick, heavy length of his cock to her avid gaze.

“Just us,” she pleaded, filling both hands with the heated length of male flesh as her tongue licked over the dark, heavily flushed crest while she stared up at him.

His gaze moved over his face as his fingers threaded through her hair.

“We’re the only two here,” he assured her before his fingers slid through her hair. A grimace controled his face as she allowed nothing but her tongue to touch the engorged head of his cock.

She stared back at him, fighting to hold onto her control as his fingertips touched her cheek gently.

“Just us,” she said desperately as she lifted her head.

“Yes. Just us. ”

Keiley stared back at him desperately as her mouth covered his cock head once again, filling her mouth with his flesh. She should have been nervous, frightened. She should have come to her feet and told him to jack off instead. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t because she needed this just as much as he did.

Leaning back, she licked her lips slowly before trailing her fingers over the upper mounds of her breasts, then glanced over the tight, hard nipples as he stared down at her.

“Like this?” she whispered breathlessly needing to tease, to tempt.

This she liked. Her fingers surrounded her hard nipples, adding a heavy pressure, caressing them with enough strength to redden the hard tips.

His eyes dilated as she breathed in roughly. He slid his hand into her hair before wrapping the fingers of his other hand around the base of his erection.

She knew what was coming, felt it burn through her nipples as she tweaked them erotically, felt it clench in her womb and spill slick heat between her thighs.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic