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“No. ” Keiley swallowed tightly. “Never. ”

Did she want him to? Why was her rear tingling as though in anticipation?

“I’ve been dying to watch your pretty ass blush. ”

The clasp released with a flick of his fingers, the lace cups shielding her breasts and their tight tips despite the release.

But they couldn’t hold out against Mac’s fingers. Fingers that peeled the lace back as though he were unwrapping a particularly delicate present.

“Damn. That’s pretty,” Jethro suddenly growled behind her, his hands releasing her wrists slowly before he drew the shirt and bra from her.

“Too damned pretty. ” Mac’s voice was tight now, throbbing with lust. “Pretty enough that it’s a damned shame to cover them. ”

His head lowered as his arms went around her, his tongue licking over a tight peak as she jerked and cried out. Pleasure whipped through her body. Nerve endings that normally required dedicated foreplay to

flare to life were suddenly throbbing in welcome.

She was barely aware of Jethro stepping away from her. She realized his body was no longer there, but she didn’t care that it was gone. Mac was holding her, lifting her against him as his lips covered the tight peak of her breast and began drawing on it with tight, deep draws of his mouth.

“Mac. Oh God. It’s too good. ”

She was going to orgasm. Her nipples were so sensitive, so throbbingly aware of each brush of his tongue, each draw of his mouth, that she could feel the sensation tearing into her womb. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers pushing into his hair. All she wanted to do was hold onto him. To hold this exquisite pleasure inside her forever. To hold Mac inside her forever.

It was different. So much different that she could barely process the additional sensuality, the pure eroticism overtaking her.

She was different. She could feel the differences now. Something wild and uninhibited was rising inside her. Something she couldn’t define, couldn’t make sense of. Something that washed over her like a tidal wave of erotic heat and held her beneath its simmering waves.

“I love your nipples,” Mac groaned seconds later as he lifted his head from one peak and went to the next. “How hard and tight they get. How they redden from my mouth. My tongue. ”

He licked over the other peak, drew it in, sucked at it strongly as she arched into his arms and held tight to his shoulders. The world was rocking around her. Spinning around her in heat and arousal, stealing her breath and her senses.

His head lifted, his lips damp from his ministrations to her nipple, his eyes nearly black with arousal.

“You’ve fantasized about it,” he told her ruthlessly. “I saw it in your eyes at our wedding. I’ve seen it in your face each time you’ve asked about it. I’ve felt it more than once when you’ve gone wild beneath me. ”

She shook her head in denial, whimpering because she couldn’t push the lie past her lips.

“And it made me hotter knowing. It made me want to devour every inch of your body. See you devoured. It made me want to give you everything you fantasized about. ”

Determination stamped his features as he glanced behind her.

A second later she jerked in shock, a surprised cry falling from her lips as the heated warmth of a naked male body pressed against her back.

“Easy,” Mac crooned as she began to tremble, staring up at him as her brain processed the presence of a thick, heavy erection at her back. “Here. Let Jethro hold you a minute, baby. Just a minute. ”

His voice was gentle, but his expression was implacable, tight with arousal, firm with his demand as Jethro eased her from Mac’s hold.

Mac gripped her wrists, pulling them from around his head as Jethro eased her away from him.

Her hands gripped Jethro’s wrists, feeling the tough flesh, the sprinkling of hair on his arms beneath her palms, from his chest at her back.

She stared at Mac, watching as he began to pull his shirt off. Watched him until Jethro turned her in his arms and forced her to watch him instead.

Sapphire-blue eyes and hawkish features. Hunger tightened Jethro’s expression, and his eyes narrowed with erotic intensity.

“How did you fantasize, Keiley?” His head lowered, his lips raking down her neck as he moved her to the low cushioned stool that sat in front of the wide, thickly padded chair across from the couch.

She looked over her shoulder, searching for Mac, her breath catching as he shrugged his shirt from his broad shoulders. Muscles rippled from his powerful chest down to his hard abs.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic