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“Look at me, baby,” Jethro growled, turning her head back to him, his lips caressing over hers. “Let me watch your eyes. Do you know they go from hazel to the prettiest green when you’re turned on?”

“Jethro. ” She moaned his name as he nipped at her lips, the sharp little sting quickly licked away by the soothing warmth of his tongue.

His hands traveled over her back, her waist, then pushed beneath the loose pants to cup the cheeks of her rear. She could feel his calloused palms stroking her even as her lips opened to his kiss, just as she could feel Mac watching. His eyes on her, seeing her response to another man, the arching of her body, Jethro’s fingers stroking along the silk that parted her buttocks and covered the aching flesh between her thighs.

“Your pussy’s hot,” he groaned roughly as he jerked his lips from hers. “So hot and wet, your panties are damp. ”

His fingers were massaging over the folds, making her hotter, wetter. Keiley couldn’t keep herself from rubbing against him, from pressing her rear back to force his fingers more firmly against her. He rewarded her with a few brief caresses over her straining clit as his teeth raked down her neck.

“Come here, sweetheart. ”

Keiley uttered a broken cry as Mac’s hands lifted her from Jethro’s hold, easing her to the stool before pressing her back into the chair, the back cushion of the seat supporting her weight where he had set it at an incline. As he eased her back, Jethro whisked the pants from her hips, then over her thighs and legs, leaving her naked but for the white lace thong.

She was laid out before them like a banquet, staring up at two dark, naked, fully aroused males.

“I feel like a damn virgin sacrifice. ” Her voice trembled worse than it had the night Mac had taken her virginity.

“A tasty sacrifice,” Jethro whispered as he eased her legs apart, pulling her to the edge of the stool as Mac knelt beside the chair.

There was no time to protest, if indeed she had meant to protest. Mac’s lips covered hers as Jethro’s pressed damply against the lace between her things, sending riotous, violent pleasure singing through her body.

Her hips jerked, twisted against the ravaging lips between her thighs. The feel of Jethro consuming her through the lace of her panties was destructive. Mac’s lips on hers, his hands caressing her breasts, tweaking her nipples, was destroying her control. Sensation clashed into sensation as the pleasure became torturous. She was lost within the building, crashing waves of heat and erotic fervor as the world centered around the heated kisses flaming through her nerve endings.

“Mac. ” She whimpered his name as his head lifted, his gaze narrowed on her face as her hips arched to Jethro’s mouth. “It’s too much. ” Too much sensation. Too much pleasure.

“It’s not enough, Kei. ” He lowered his head to her breasts, his lips surrounding a nipple as his fingers plucked at its mate, sending clawing, desperate shards of pleasure to tear across her flesh. “It’s not nearly enough. ”

Lower, Jethro’s lips were pulling at the lace, his hands holding her thighs apart, his tongue moving beneath the material to stroke flesh saturated with hunger and need.

Keiley writhed beneath the caresses, beneath the heat beginning to flame through her body. Erotic, forbidden, hands and mouths caressing and cajoling until her cries became hoarse pleas.

Calloused hands stripped her panties from her. A wicked, hungry mouth devoured the passion-soaked flesh as she felt broad fingers filling her. Lips suckled at her breasts, and when her eyes opened, it was to see Mac watching her, pleasure and lust suffusing his expression.

As far as Mac was concerned, Keiley had never been more beautiful than she was now. Stretched out on the stool and the chair, her breasts arched to his lips and tongue, heat mounting her cheeks and dazed pleasure filling her eyes.

Her arms were arched over her head, fingers digging into the wide cushion that supported her back. Pulling back, he looked down her body, his eyes narrowed as he saw Jethro’s tongue working her swollen, delicate clit. It was enflamed, engorged, throbbing from the erotic kisses bestowed upon it.

Jethro’s cheeks were flushed with his lust, his gaze heavy-lidded as Mac allowed him a view of Keiley’s expression.

“More,” she gasped roughly as she tried to twist beneath Jethro’s lips. “Oh God! Oh God!” Her eyes flared open, locking with his. “Mac! Help me!”

The green in her eyes glittered, flaming like emerald stars in a hazel background. Perspiration dampened her body and desperation twisted her features as she reached for him.

Mac caught her wrists, pushing them back to the cushion as he leaned closer. “Stop fighting it, Keiley,” he commanded roughly. “Let it go, sweetheart. ”

Her head thrashed on the cushion, her body tightening as she fought the release Mac could feel building in her body.

“Mac, please—” Her fractured scream had his jaw tightening and his dick pounding.

Watching her like this, seeing the pleasure that transformed her, was almost as erotic as giving her all the pleasure she was receiving.

His lips lowered to a hard, cherry-red nipple to suck and nip at the tight peak. A growling vibration of ecstasy left her throat, the sound felinish and filled with desperation.

“She’s close,” Jethro suddenly snarled, his voice deepened, filled with his own arousal. “Her pussy is so tight around my fingers it’s like being trapped in vise. ”

Mac lifted his head again, his hands caressing over her upper body, his lips lowering to hers for a brief, hard kiss before drawing back.

He wanted to watch her. God help him, he needed to watch her. The forbidden eroticism of the act always pushed a woman’s pleasure higher. It was pushing Keiley’s higher. She was staring back at him, her eyes dazed, her expression tightening as she fought the violence of the orgasm building inside her.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic