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“Dinner,” she whispered, suddenly uncertain, nervous as Jethro moved from the shaded window, doing as Mac had done and loosening his belt first.

“Scared, baby?” Mac cupped her face with his hand, turning her head until he was staring into her eyes, the heavy dominance in his expression stealing her breath.

She could feel her lips trembling, fear and hunger and uncertainty clouding her mind.

“I—” She whimpered as his lips lowered to hers, tears dampening her eyes as the ramifications of what they were about to do began to pound into her brain. “I love only you,” she whispered against his lips. “I love only you, Mac. ”

His head lifted, his expression at once gentle and filled with lust. She could see the love in his eyes, the hunger and the promise. But fear began to edge into her mind. No other man had ever touched her, had ever taken her.

“And I love only you, Keiley,” he promised her. She heard the promise in his voice, the emotion, the need.

“We need to talk about this,” she protested again as his lips lowered to hers once again.

“The time to talk is over,” he told her firmly. “Unless you say no, then all I want to hear are your cries of pleasure. ”

“If I say no?” But did she want to say no?

“No means no,” he agreed, his lashes lowering over his eyes as his thumb smoothed over her lips. “But is that what you really want to do?”

Was it what she wanted to do?

Mac’s hand slid down her neck then, over her chest, to the buttons that secured the knit shirt. Keiley fought to keep her eyes open, to hold onto her senses as she felt Jethro moving behind her.


“It’s okay, sugar,” Jethro whispered then. “Nothing too heavy this time. We’re just going to play a little bit. ”

His voice was a breath of sound at her ear, the warmth of his body heating her from behind as Mac held her steady against his body.

“Feel how hot it can get, Keiley,” Mac told her then. “That’s all. Do you think I would force you?”

She shook her head jerkily.

“Good girl. ” His smile was tight, hungry. “Now, let me show you part of what you could be saying no to. ”

She expected his kiss. She expected the flaming, destructive hunger she had seen in the past few days. She didn’t expect his control. She didn’t expect Jethro to suddenly have possession of her wrists as Mac had both hands free to unbutton her shirt.

“I love these little buttons,” he growled. “Opening them up is like Christmas. Because I know the sweetest, plumpest nipples are waiting just below it. ”

The edges of the shirt slid open, revealing the lace bra.

Mac’s look was frankly sensual and filled with a wry humor.

“Armor, sweetheart?”

She shuddered in Jethro’s grip as she stared up at her husband. Of course, she might have been able to maintain a semblance of strength if Jethro’s lips hadn’t lowered to her neck.

Mac’s gaze was caught by his friend’s movement, his eyes darkening, deepening, as his jaw flexed with the effort it was obviously taking to maintain his control.

The feel of the soft kisses at the tender cord of her neck as Mac watched, the scrape of teeth as her husband drew the shirt from her shoulders and allowed it to drape over her bound arms, had sensation clawing through her womb.

“I’m going to have to punish you for this. ”

Keiley’s gaze widened as he tugged at the little clasp of the bra between her breasts.

“P-punish me?” she stammered. Why did the threat sound so damned erotic.

“I’ve never spanked you, have I, Kei?” He almost crooned the question.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic