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“Come here. ” It wasn’t a request.

Her eyes narrowed as she glanced between him and Jethro.

She gave him a ladylike snort and said, “In your dreams. ”

With that she turned and closed the door firmly behind her nicely rounded little rear.

Mac almost jerked from the sudden tension that tore through his body at her deliberate challenge. His teeth clenched with an arousal so hot, spiking so hard, that he swore he was on the verge of release.

He stood slowly from the chair, staring at the door with a sense of anticipation.

“I want all the blinds closed through the house,” he told Jethro softly. “Then join us in the kitchen. ”

His entire body was tight now, his control fraying by the second. All he could think about was holding her, restraining her, controlling that sweet, hot little body while he and Jethro worked her toward a pleasure she couldn’t imagine. Keiley wasn’t going to cook dinner tonight. They could order out later. Much later.


Keiley sensed she had just offered a dare that there wasn’t a chance in hell Mac would refuse. She had seen it in his face that second as she glanced back before closing the door. In an instant the taut, savage angles of an expression tight with lust was clearly revealed.

He had warned her not to awaken the animal inside him, but she had done it anyway. Deliberately? She couldn’t say. She knew her nerves were stretched to the limit, and her awareness of the two men in the same room had heightened the nervous arousal building within her all day.

She breathed in roughly as she heard Mac’s office door close. Steeling herself, she turned to the kitchen entrance, watching as he stalked into the room.

“Come here. ” He crooked his finger, beckoning her toward him.

“Why?” Keiley retreated further into the kitchen, her breathing escalating as she stared at the conquering lover she knew he was.

The gray shirt he wore stretched across his chest and shoulders, skimmed his tight, hard abs before it disappeared into the leather-cinched snug jeans he wore.

The leather was coming off. His hands worked the belt buckle, loosening it slowly as she backed away from him slowly.

“I don’t think so, Mac. ” She smiled sweetly. “I have too much to do tonight to play games with you. ”

She was pushing it and she knew it. Pushing his arousal, pushing her own boundaries. She was tired of the restlessness, tired of the tension growing within them both, the knowledge that there was more left to explore, that there was more pleasure, more adventure in his arms than he had ever let her see so far.

“But I want to play games, Kei,” he informed her with dark amusement as the ends of his belt released.

God, that was sexy. Just the belt open, the heavy bulge of his cock straining beneath the denim.

“We don’t always get what we want. ” She pursed her lips in mock sympathy. “You should know that by now. ”

His chuckle was deep, shadowed with a hidden power that she knew she had yet to glimpse. Who was this man she had married? She thought she knew him so well, but she was beginning to realize that perhaps she only knew a shadow of his sexuality. The hunger lurking beneath the controlled exterior had excitement racing through her veins. She could see it now. His eyes weren’t stormy; they weren’t dark with shadows of a hunger he wasn’t revealing. They were clear, bright, heated by an inner flame that reached out to burn her as well.

She could feel her breathing growing rougher, heavier. Her breasts became swollen, the nipples so sensitive that their rasp against the lace of her bra was incredibly arousing. And between her thighs, her clit was swelling, her sex spilling its slick moisture, preparing her for him.

“I’m going to get what I want in this case,” he promised, moving too quickly for her to evade, catching her wrists and drawing them behind her back as he jerked her against him.

His erection dug into her stomach, pressing hot and hard against her as he held her wrists at the small of her back and arched her into his hold.

“Now what?” she challenged him, struggling against him, feeling her pulse racing at the knowledge that he wasn’t letting her escape.

She loved this. It sent a spike of heat tearing through her, clenching her womb and spasming through her vagina as he lifted her from her feet.

“Now we play my way. ” His tone warned her that what was coming could be more than she had ever anticipated. “We show you exactly what the meaning of true pleasure can be, sweetheart. ”

“We. ” Him and Jethro.

Keiley breathed in roughly as he lifted her from her feet, still holding her wrists while the other arm wrapped around her hips to move her from the kitchen, through the foyer into the open, dimly lit living room.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic