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It was depraved. Jethro was most likely still in the kitchen. One hard moan and he would know what the hell was going on. And Keiley wasn’t exactly a quiet lover. She never had been. Keeping quiet while in Mac’s arms was impossible.

“You knew what was coming,” he growled as his lips left hers to follow a broken path down her neck. “You’ve sensed it since the beginning, Keiley. Admit it. ”

She shook her head rashly. “No—”

“Don’t lie to me. ” Then he did something she couldn’t have expected to enjoy. Something he had never done before. His teeth caught her nipple, nipped the tender peak, sending pleasure exploding in her womb with enough force to steal her breath.

It was a sharp little nip. Bordering on painful. An agonizing pleasure that had her yelping in surprise.

“I’ve tried to hold back. ” He licked the tender peak. “I’ve tried to be the husband I thought you wanted. ” His head lifted, his eyes nearly black with hunger. “I’ve tried, Keiley. And it hasn’t worked. Now you have the man I am. It’s up to you to decide if you can live with him. ”

“Do you think you can frighten me into giving you what you want?” She pushed against his shoulders. Not that he moved, but his eyes narrowed and his gaze became sharper. “Not likely, Mac. Don’t try threatening me—”

“You think that’s what I’m doing?” he growled in return. “I don’t have to threaten, Keiley. I’m giving you fair warning. Because I know you. I know you. And by God, I know the needs I have aren’t too damned far off the mark from yours. Deny it. Deny the fact that if Jethro were in here watching right now you wouldn’t be hotter than hell. Go ahead. Lie to me. ”

Lie to him. She had never lied to him.

“Some things should remain fantasy,” she whispered desperately. “I don’t want to lose you, Mac. I don’t want to lose what we have. ”

He pulled her t-shirt down slowly.

“You’ll never lose me. But think about this, Keiley. You’ve never had all of me, either. ”

“Because I haven’t let another man fuck me?” she exclaimed, confusion and wariness blooming into fear. “Let me jump right out and take care of that. Why should I wait for you to pick someone for me? I’m highly capable of doing it for myself. ”

Confidence. Dominance. Self-awareness. They glittered in his eyes and tightened his expression.

“This has nothing to do with fucking another man. It has to do with accepting the pleasure I have to give you. I’m not hiding it anymore. Accept or reject it, however you want to. But don’t start lying to yourself because you’re scared. That I won’t accept. And don’t think you’re going to spend the night on that damned computer working. You wanted to be fucked in the bed. Tonight that bed is going to see some action, sweetheart. ”

Her eyes widened. “Excuse me? You think I’m going to let him—”

“Me,” he snapped. “Me. You. All night, Keiley. Every night. You know the truth now; there’s nothing left to hide. Now you get to see the man you married. Not the man I’ve been giving you. And I sure as hell don’t need any help with that. ”

And he didn’t need any hel

p silencing the protest forming on her lips. Before she could stop him, his lips covered hers. Not roughly, but firmly. His tongue parted them, licked, stroked, forged into her mouth and warred with her own as she felt the hunger surge through her brain.

This kiss. It was a demand. It wasn’t a request.

She met it. Her tongue pressed against his, licked at his lips as he drew back; her teeth nipped, and a cry of pure pleasure left her throat as he took control once more.

He devoured her lips. This was no regular kiss. He was feeding from her hunger, his own growing, whipping around her, burning through her, until he reclaimed it from her lips, her tongue, and allowed it to burn into her once again.

She was in flames. She couldn’t touch him enough. She had to get closer.

The sound of fabric tearing barely penetrated the haze of lust that seemed to enfold her. Mac’s muttered groan only increased her need.

But she could touch his chest now. Her nails scoured down the muscular contours, sifting through the light sprinkling of hair before encountering the band of his jeans and the wide leather belt he wore.

“There you go, sweetheart,” he muttered, tearing his lips from hers as she tugged desperately at his belt. “Take what you want. ”

What she needed. As though the dark hungers that were a part of Mac were suddenly filtering through her own head.

She couldn’t touch him enough. She tore at his belt, releasing it, only to tug open the metal snaps of his jeans to reach inside and draw the thick, hard length of his cock from beneath the snug briefs he wore.

“Damn. ” His fractured groan only spurred her on.

He filled her hands. The hard length with its thick veins and silky flesh over iron hardness had her stomach clenching, her womb spasming with the need for release.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic