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“Come here. ” Before she could protest, he lifted her from the washing machine only to set her to her feet before pressing her to her knees.

There was no request. He was always considerate when he asked her to go down on him. But this time, consideration had gone to hell. One hand was buried in her hair, the other gripped his cock, and within seconds Keiley found her mouth filled with the wide, damp head of his erection.

He tasted earthy, like a storm coming over the mountains. Wild and irresistible, strong and determined.

“Suck it, Kei,” he ordered hoarsely. “Let me watch you take me, sugar. ”

Her eyes drifted open, widening fractionally at the hard, savage cast of his expression.

In the back of her mind she knew that Jethro could hear it all. There wasn’t a sound coming from the kitchen. The only sounds in the house were those of her cries, muffled only by the slow, heavy thrust of Mac’s cock into her mouth.

And she didn’t care. She knew he could hear. Knew he was listening. Lusting. She was driven by the knowledge glittering in Mac’s eyes and the hunger burning through her body.

The hand at the back of her head tightened, causing a slight, stinging burn to fill her scalp.

She loved it.

His hard flesh stretched her lips, filling her with a power and a hunger she couldn’t control.

She exhilarated in it.

“Your mouth is so damned hot. So sweet and tight,” he groaned, staring down at her as the gray shades of his eyes shifted and clashed together.

Her tongue flickered over the throbbing crest as he drew back, grimacing as she tightened her mouth on him.

Her hands slid over his tight abdomen as she began to suckle the broad head, moaning, fighting the dazed lust welling inside her as she tasted the pre-cum that greeted her efforts.

“That’s it, baby. Suck my dick. Show me how much you need me, Kei. ”

Needed him? She was dying for him. Aching. She could feel her swollen clit pounding for attention, the juices gushing from her vagina in such exquisite need that it was agony.

She needed to be touched. Just one touch.

“I can’t touch you like this, can I, sugar?” He stared down at her with savage frustration. “How good would it be to have those pretty nipples caressed? Lips at your neck, your back? Hands between those pretty thighs?”

His hand tightened in her hair to hold her in place as she tried to draw back, tried to escape the promise in his voice.

But she couldn’t stop the moan that fell from her lips. She could almost feel it. A phantom’s touch over her breasts, between her thighs, the sharp aching need for those fingers between her thighs.

“I could give you that. ” His gaze darkened further. His fingers tightened in her hair, tugging further.

And it shouldn’t have felt good. It shouldn’t have sent flames shooting from her scalp to her clit with devastating results.

“I will give that to you, Keiley. ” His voice hardened, with determination, with approaching release. “All of it—all of it. ”

He was thrusting past her lips, short, fierce thrusts that stroked his cock over her lips as her tongue licked, stroked, spurring him on until with a shattered groan he exploded.

Keiley’s hands clenched in the material of his jeans as his semen spurted into her mouth. Fierce jets of heated male warmth that only made her hungrier, only made her need more until he stilled, holding her still as he eased past her lips and stared down at her with blatant satisfaction.

She could barely breathe, her eyes clouded with her own arousal now as weakening sensuality burned through her veins.

“We’re not finished,” he informed her roughly, drawing her to her feet before fixing his jeans. “I think it’s time we both went to bed. Now. ”


Keiley kept telling herself that she couldn’t do this. Not that she could force the words past her lips. Each time she tried, her throat tightened and the heated moisture between her thighs reminded her that she wanted this more than anything.

It was when Mac drew her through the kitchen, beneath the watchful eyes of Jethro Riggs, that Keiley began to tremble.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic