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“Don’t you think it’s a little impolite to leave our company so soon?” Mac asked as she moved to the narrow rack where she had hung the dress after removing it.

It wasn’t there. She flipped through the hangers quickly, then looked on the floor beneath the rack.

“Did you hear me?”

Keiley turned back to him slowly. It wasn’t so much what he said as how he said it. It was the way his eyes narrowed with a just of hint of sensual determination, the way his shoulders seemed broader, his chest wider. The way the bulge in his jeans seemed more intimidating than ever before.

Keiley could feel her heart rate picking up as he advanced on her slowly.

“I can’t find my dress. ” Her voice was weak, breathless, as she turned from him quickly. “I hung it in here last week to clean. You moved it. ”

“Fuck the dress, Kei. ”

His hands caught her shoulders. He turned her to him relentlessly, holding her still as she tried to move away from him.

She tried to swallow. Tried to catch her breath at the strength of the desire she saw in his face.

“You’re scaring me,” she whispered.

His brows lowered further. “Do you think I’d hurt you?”

She could see the conflict in his expression. His desire warring with his love for her. If there was one thing she knew about Mac, she knew he loved her.

“Where would this leave us, Mac?” Keiley tried to still the trembling of her lips, the sensual fear weaving through her mind.

She felt more confused now than she had felt the first time Mac kissed her. The first time he had touched her.

A sibilant whimper left her lips as his hand framed her face.

“Do you think I’d force you?” He leaned forward, touched his lips to hers, electrifying her with the velvet rasp of his lips over her own.

“We need to talk about this. ”

“What’s there to talk about?” His arm moved around her hips, pulling her to him, lifting her to the cradle of his thighs as he nipped at her lips. “You’ve known it was there, just beneath the surface. You wouldn’t have questioned me otherwise, Kei. ”

“No. ” She shook her head, shuddering as she felt his erection wedge between her thighs, the heat of it barely contained by the denim between them.

“You saw it, didn’t you?” he asked her then, one hand threading through the hair at the side of her temple while his lips drifted to her jaw. “You saw the restlessness, and you had to start pushing. Such a curious little cat. ” He raked his teeth down the side of her neck.

Keiley tightened her hold on his shoulders as her head fell back and the familiar weakness Mac caused inside her body began to build. She could just drift here, in this pleasure. Let him take control. Let him—

“Enough. ” She was out of his arms before he could stop her.

Pushing her hands through her hair, she stared back at him in shock, seeing the glittering purpose in his eyes, the amused, indulgent certainty in his expression.

“You weren’t honest with me, Mac. ” Surprise glittered in his eyes as she made the accusation.

“Did I have to put it in words, Keiley?” He leaned against the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched her with that half quirk to his lips that always made her crazy with lust.

“It would have been nice,” she pointed out a shade sarcastically. “Excuse me here, Mac, but I don’t think it’s exactly common practice for most friends to show up on the doorstep expecting to share a couple’s bed. I believe that is highly unusual. Not in the least standard matrimonial fare there. ”

His eyes gleamed with laughter, and she didn’t appreciate it in the least. But they were also filled with banked hunger. Moving over her face, her breasts, her thighs, with carnal intent.

“Go entertain your company,” she snapped. “I have work to do. ”

She turned to look for the dress, only to screech in surprise when she found herself sitting atop the washing machine instead and her husband wedged firmly between her thighs.

He didn’t give her a chance to protest. His lips were on hers, his hands were beneath the shirt, palms cupping her breasts, fingers rasping over her nipples as she cried out in pleasure.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic