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“For fuck’s sake, Abel, just get over here, and fuck me already.”

Eli startles hard enough to rattle his cuffs against the chair. “Jesus, Harlow.”

She sits up and glares at him. “Don’t you dare judge me right now. You did this. You agreed to this. You put us in this position. I’m just following through on it. Sit there, and be silent.”

I whistle. “You’ve pissed her off something fierce, Eli.” They’re really making this easy on me, but that doesn’t mean I’ll hesitate to twist the knife every chance I get.

“You.” She points at me. “Stop talking, and let’s get this over with.”

“Yeah, no. I’m not operating on your timeline.” I lean down and grab her thighs, using the hold to yank her to the edge of the bed as I go to my knees next to it.

She blinks big, dark eyes at me. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry about what I’m doing. You were planning on just enduring it, right?” I give her a wicked grin. “Just lie back, and suffer.” I push her legs wide and run my hands up her thighs. Her expression is uncertain for the first time since she walked down to join me on the sand. Can’t have that. I part her pussy with my thumbs and growl. “You look like my favorite kind of dessert, sweetheart.”


I dip down and drag my tongue over her, cutting off her words. Her thighs shake, and she makes a sound suspiciously like a whimper. I keep her spread as I explore her slowly, but my gaze is on her face. She’s staring at me like she’s not sure if she wants to kick me in the teeth or dig her fingers into my hair and ride my face to orgasm.

I know which I’d prefer.

I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue. “Problem?”

“What are you doing?” she hisses.

“Don’t worry about me.” I trace her clit again. “Unless this feels too good? Be a damn shame if it’s distracting you from your suffering.” I pause, my breath ghosting against her clit with every exhale.

Harlow seems at war with herself. She doesn’t want to like this, but there’s a fierceness in her that can’t help but respond to the challenge. I feel it, too. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with her and Eli, but it’s not as simple as I thought. There’s almost an animosity there on her part, and he seems determined not to see it.

She glances at Eli, and her expression goes flat and angry. It’s like a flip is switched; gone is the hesitation, the shock. She digs her hands into my hair. “Fine. Fuck, fine. If you’re going to do this, do it right.” She drags me back to her pussy and lifts her hips to meet me.

I hear Eli cursing, and I grin against her heated flesh. In all the scenarios I ran, this didn’t number as a possibility. I couldn’t have planned this better if I tried. Even if I didn’t want her, I’d still use this as leverage to widen the wedge between them. But I do want her, and that changes things.

Tonight, I’ve taken everything from Eli.

His territory. His people. His fucking woman.



A person shouldn’t be able to feel so much rage and still keep moving. I am furious at Eli, furious at his insistence on making things worse, on trying to protect me when I don’t need his fucking protection. I love him, I’ve loved him for years, but he’s never seen me. After tonight, it couldn’t be clearer that it will never change. He doesn’t listen to me. He doesn’t care about what I want, what I need, that I’m more than capable of holding my own and being a full partner. Full responsibility, full capability of protecting our people.

And Abel?

The man currently fucking me with his tongue as if he can’t get enough of my taste?

I fucking hate that he seems to enjoy it when I snap back. That, after an hour together, he’s offering me something Eli never did. That he sees me. I hate that I like it, even if I can’t sit back and allow him to harm our faction in his revenge. My only chance to alter whatever his plans are is to submit to this.

I didn’t expect to enjoy it, though.

Abel sucks hard on my clit, and my back bows off the mattress. “Fuck.” He does it again, this time wedging two blunt fingers into my pussy. It takes the bastard fifteen seconds to find my G-spot, and then he begins stroking it lightly as he plays with my clit.

He’s going to make me come.

I stare blindly at the ceiling as my body coils tighter and tighter. I’m doing my duty. Yes, that’s all it is. But as I turn my head and look at Eli, see the furious, tormented look on his face as he watches Abel eat me out, a dark, savage part of me enjoys it. I’m so angry at him. I’ll regret this tomorrow, but right now, the chains of control that usually keep me placid and submissive have long since snapped. They snapped the moment Eli served himself and our faction up without a second thought. He’s supposed to be better than Bauer Paine. Better than his father, too. He’s supposed to be a true leader.

Tags: Katee Robert Sabine Valley Erotic